Small Farm Initiative Ann Arbor Township’s Project to Link Landowners, Growers and Markets with the Purchase of Development Rights A Project of the Ann Arbor Township Farmland and Open Space Preservation Board Barry Lonik Treemore Ecology & Land Services
Ann Arbor Township People interested in farming Demand for local produce Available land in smaller parcels (10-50 acres) High land cost
Purchase of Development Rights Voluntary program Cash payment Perpetual “Conservation Easement” Township millage: 0.7 mills for 20 years
Concept Contact landowners Identify producers Identify markets Develop business plans Develop management plans Draft conservation easements and leases Purchase development rights
Advisory Committee Membership Smaller-scale producers Business expertise for small-scale agriculture Users of locally-grown commodities Promoters of local products Contacts with people interested in establishing new agricultural enterprises
Advisory Committee Role & Commitment Advise project manager Establish contacts Provide input on program design Offer perspectives and insights Meet thrice in Year One, once annually in Years Two and Three
Outcomes More land in production More locally grown produce Establish new businesses More land protected