WINTER Template Curriculum Vitae 01 how to write English 1_UMBY_2013_3rd Meeting
02 What is CV? The term “curriculum vitae” comes from the Latin Curriculum (course) and Vitae (life): The course of one’s life.
How important is CV? 03 It give chance to evaluate yourself It is to screen candidates for interview It is the first introducer to the interviewer It explains your complete background
04 Components of CV Style – the layout, formatting and headings you use Content – All good stuff about you Positives Points of agreement – how and why you meet their requirements.
05 Personal Informatio n CV Section Educationa lQualificati on Employme nt Histories Personal Interests SkillsReferences
06 CV Sections: What’s inside? Personal Information -Include your name -Full address -Telephone numbers - address Educational Qualifications -List both academic and non-academic qualifications in chronological order, giving grades -Name of Institution, year of passing
07 Employment History Beginning with your most recent job, include: Company name | Your job title | Duration of employment | Reasons for leaving Give a brief outline of the company you worked with which will help give more relevance to the experience you’ve gained Under each position, briefly outline your responsibilities but focus on what you have achieved in the role Do not omit any period of employment or unemployment for whatever reason, as this may prove awkward at interview CV Sections: What’s inside?
08 Skills Computer skill: state the program Language Skills: mention your mother tongue and other language you mastered, mention also the level of command (beginner/intermediate/fluent) Personal Interests List your interests, but do not generalise. For example, instead of simply saying 'football', you could expand and say that you have played for a local club for the last four years and are now Treasury Officer for the club CV Sections: What’s inside?
09 References Include a line stating that references are available upon request Ensure you have at least two referees that have been made aware and have confirmed they are happy to provide written and perhaps more importantly verbal references Ensure the referees you use are from your most current work history You might also want to mention: - awards and special skills ; social service ; publications or living or working abroad CV Sections: What’s inside?
10 DO’s Be brief - a two page resume is ideal Prepare CVs for individual companies Customize your resume for your job target Use action verbs/ positive words – it will create strong impact. eg. motivated, monitored, created, analyzed, coordinated etc.
11 DON’Ts 1.Avoid folding your CV 2.Don’t include irrelevant information – previous Salary, unproofed awards, prizes and publications etc. 3.Say what you did, not what you think 4.Personal information – marital status, religion, health, native place etc. 5.Avoid unusual font size, stylish letters, graphics, underlining and unusual spacing etc. 6.Avoid repeating information 7.Avoid personal pronouns (I, my, me) 8.Don’t outsource, do it yourself.
CV Writing Tips 12 Focus on the job you want Emphasis on achievement and results Easy to read design and language Spelling mistakes are unforgivable Education or employment first Quantify every statement Ask someone to review your CV
13 Restu Arini Demakan Baru TR III/738, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta Mobile Educational Background 2010-present: Master Degree of English Education State University of Semarang : Bachelor Degree of English Education Sanata Dharma University CV Sample taken from bu Restu’s Personal Information
14 Work Histories a. Education October 2008 to present English Instructor for Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta Dealt with day-to-day teaching activity for all departments. Construct and applied the English curriculum for Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Communication Studies. Gave a coach and guidance to English teachers candidate for English Education Department. October 2000 to October 2008 English Instructor for Maritime Academy of Yogyakarta Developed curriculum for Maritime English. Designed the English Instructional Materials for Deck Department. Motivated and improved students’ English proficiency. CV Sample-contd
15 b. Non -Education 2010 to present Head of Branch Office for Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta Responsible for three main issues i.e., human resources, academic affairs and general administration. Evolved the staffs through intense training and monitor. Made provision and maintenance the facilities or campus’ infrastructure to support the teaching learning process. July 2012 to present Coordinator of English Center of Faculty of Engineering for Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Managed the budget for the implementation of English Course. CV Sample-contd
to 2008 Manager of EnglisHouse for Maritime Academy of Yogyakarta Dealt with marketing and promotion to make EnglisHouse people’s choice to learn English. Handled teachers recruitment and improved their quality. Developed interactive program to increase students’ English proficiency Interests Skills Organizational Experiences CV Sample-contd
17 References Dr. Alimatus Sahrah, M.Si., M.Psi. Rector, Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta Jl. Wates Km 10 Yogyakarta Phone: CV Sample-contd
WINTER Template # For your further reading, please take a look at: Downes, Colm Cambridge English for Job-hunting.Edinburgh: Cambridge University Press 01
Please, Make your own CV! Find and Copy the Job vacation advertisement! Attach it on your CV. CV style may vary (Chronological CV or Skills-based CV) You can type or write it (Hardcopy). Submit at English 1 class (Tatap-Muka) based on each major schedule! Agustinus Hary S, S.Pd., M.A.