PURPOSE OF WORKSHOP Review guidelines for promotion and tenure in the College of Arts and Sciences Overview of dossier assembly Answer questions about dossier assembly and P&T in general
NUMBER OF DOSSIERS REQUIRED Original + 3 copies (Deliver all to College) Original + 2 copies will go to the Office of the Provost 1 copy stays in the College Office 2 copies of candidate’s curriculum vitae (not to be bound with dossier) 1 original dossier checklist (clipped to front of original dossier) 1 digital dossier (single document in true pdf format, not just a scan, ed to Marla Roberts at with candidate’s cv at the end of the Only scanned documents allowed are original external letters and pages with original signatures. All other pages must be in true pdf format.
PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS OF DOSSIER No binders, no covers, no dividers between sections — just paper, held together with a simple binder clip NO title pages, tables of contents. Single-sided copies only.
NUMBERING OF PAGES IN DOSSIER The dossier is divided into seven sections, A through G. The first page of each section begins with 1, thus, A-1, B-1, etc. Do not use subheading letters in page numbering. Thus, if section A has a total of 5 pages, the pages are numbered A-1, A-2, A-3, A- 4, A-5. Page numbers should be typed at the bottom center of each page.
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS Units may send supplemental materials (books, offprints, syllabi, etc.) Supplemental materials may be submitted in any format, preferably in a manner that allows for easy transport to/from the department. It is recommended that supplemental materials be submitted in electronic form (links to websites or as PDF files) and sent electronically to Marla Roberts which allows the materials to be posted for the committee’s viewing convenience along with the electronic dossier. Supplemental materials are for review at the College level, are not forwarded to Provost, and will be returned when the process is finished.
RESPONSIBILITY FOR ASSEMBLY I Candidate provides: Curriculum vitae Required statements on teaching, research/scholarship/creative activity, and service Required non-technical summary of research/creative activity Assistance in gathering all factual information for dossier, sections A through D. Signs section E, “signature page.” Signs Candidate Notification Statement after each stage of review
RESPONSIBILITY FOR ASSEMBLY II Head’s / Director’s role: Manages materials provided by candidate Provides statement of responsibilities (§A) Provides peer evaluations of teaching (§B) Organizes“best” and “least” liked teaching qualities from student narratives according to general trends/themes (§B) Provides external letters of assessment and all ancillary materials (all of §F) Provides annual retention or review forms, letter, faculty narrative, dissenting letters (all §G, except for candidate’s response, if any)
RESPONSIBILITY FOR ASSEMBLY III Department Head/Director should recommend 1-2 key pieces of supplemental material that stand out in the candidate’s body of research/creative activity which will be reviewed and discussed by the College Promotion & Tenure Committee and Deans. This material should be ed by the department head to in either PDF format or as links, at the time the dossier is submitted. If the recommendation is made for material that exists in hard copy only, please indicate accordingly. Although the candidate is expected to provide reliable information, the department head is responsible for seeing that the dossier is presented in good form and as required by the Manual for Faculty Evaluation The candidate signs off on the factual part of the dossier (§E) and after notification at each stage of review.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF ASSEMBLY Completeness Correctness Clarity
SECTIONS IN DOSSIER (DOCUMENTATION OF ADJUSTMENTS TO TIMELINE-EXTENSIONS OR EARLY P/T SHOULD BE PLACED DIRECTLY AFTER SUMMARY SHEET.) Section A: Summary Sheet & General Information (educational & employment history, statement of responsibilities, department & college criteria, competency in English) Section B: Teaching (statement with teaching philosophy, courses taught, SAIS scores, peer teaching evaluations, summary of comments, etc.) Section C: Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity (non-technical summary, statement, norms for authorship, summary and prospectus, cite work in chronological order, etc.)
SECTIONS IN DOSSIER (CONTINUED) Section D: Service: institutional, disciplinary, professional (statement, summary of service at each level arranged in chronological order, etc.) Section E: Candidate’s signature Section F: External Reviews (original letters from reviewers, sample letter, log of contacts, method of selection, and qualifications of reviewers) Section G: Department Reviews and Statements (retention/annual reviews with narratives, head’s recommendation, faculty summary, dissenting reports, candidate’s responses); Candidate’s Notification Statement Candidate’s CV
INFORMATION IN TABLES Educational and Employment History (§A) – Found in Manual for Faculty Evaluation, see p. 53Manual for Faculty Evaluation
TEACHING TABLES (§B) List of Courses Taught (See College Guidelines, p.10) List of Courses Taught Explain any zero-teaching semesters
TABLE OF SAIS SCORES (§B) Found in College Guidelines with required template on p.11 required template
STUDENT SUPERVISION TABLES (§B) List of supervised graduate dissertations and theses (Doctoral Supervision Template & Masters Supervision Template)Doctoral Supervision TemplateMasters Supervision Template List of supervised undergraduate honors theses (Undergraduate Supervision Template)Undergraduate Supervision Template List of service on graduate committees (Required Template)Required Template All required supervision templates are provided on pages in the College’s P&T Guidelines.
TABLE OF EXTERNAL LETTERS (§F) Log of external evaluators provides critical information to readers of dossier Order as follows: - External Letters - Sample Letter - Log of External Letters (alphabetical by last name) Required Template - Log of External Evaluators (p.13)Required Template - Log of External Evaluators - Method of Selection - Qualifications of Evaluators
QUALIFICATIONS OF EXTERNAL EVALUATORS (§F) Department head to draft brief biographical statement containing qualifications of each external evaluator Do not provide print out of web pages, vita, etc. See example in Manual for Faculty Evaluation - page 60.Manual for Faculty Evaluation
DO NOT INCLUDE IN THE DOSSIER Evaluative statements written by the candidate Statements about a candidate's personal life unless they are germane to the quality of the candidate's work Letters of appreciation or thanks except when they include an explanation of the contribution made to teaching, research/scholarship/creative activity, or service Course syllabi, outlines, and other course materials; course evaluation forms Manual for Faculty EvaluationManual for Faculty Evaluation (see pp )
RESOURCES Manual for Faculty Evaluation Provost's Site Promotion & Tenure Information A&S Faculty & Staff Site P&T Dossier Assembly Guidelines and Templates College Guidelines College Contacts Marla Roberts Andrew Kramer