University of Washington HCDE 418 Course Introduction HCDE 418 Winter 2013
University of Washington HCDE 418 Agenda Introductions Instructor, You Review of Syllabus Basic Info, Assessment, Assignments, Project, Policies, etc. What this course is about
University of Washington HCDE 418 Introductions - Instructor Instructor: Katie Derthick PhD Candidate in HCDE Research: Human-Computer Interaction Social interaction: Couchsurfing, Wikipedia, Google Calendar Material objects: Baby mementos Work experience Researched UX design and designers at Microsoft Researched social TV practices at PARC Technical writer, project manager
University of Washington HCDE 418 Introductions – Design Activity Invent a control box for a smart home of the future by: 1.Describing its function 2.Describing its users 3.Describing the experience 4.Sketching its appearance
University of Washington HCDE 418 Design Activity: Process 1.Design Time (10 minutes) a.Work in pairs b.Engage functions and users c.Create a sketch 2. Presentation Time (1 minute) a.My Name is … b.My Name is … c.This is our control box d.This control is for … e.Use this control to …
University of Washington HCDE 418 Design Activity: Reflection User Experience (UX) Design – designing interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives in a way that creates an overall positive, engaging, and productive experience
University of Washington HCDE 418 Syllabus Basic Info Assessment Assignments Project Labs Course Topics
University of Washington HCDE 418 Basic Course Info Website: Will send a link out Textbooks: Buxton, B. Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design. Morgan Kaufmann, Greenberg, S., et al. Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook. Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
University of Washington HCDE 418 Basic Course Info Class mailing list: Will out Office hours: After class on Wednesdays, 1:30-2:30 By appointment Assignments submitted electronically via Catalyst’s CollectIt drop box See website for URL
University of Washington HCDE 418 Assessment Grades will be posted via Catalyst’s GradeBook ComponentWorth Class Participation10% Online Discussion Board Posts10% Individual Assignments15% Quarter-long Sketching Project20% Group Design Project45%
University of Washington HCDE 418 Assignments A1: Look, Learn, Ask, Try (worth 5%) Due Monday, Jan 21 A2: Storyboarding (worth 5%) Due Wednesday, Feb 13 A3: 1-Week Real World Field Deployment (worth 5%) Due Wednesday, Feb 27
University of Washington HCDE 418 Project Group project enabling you to apply the lessons learned in class to a real problem Work in teams of 5 Topics will be determined by next Wednesday
University of Washington HCDE 418 Project Topics List of ideas will be posted on course website Includes: Mobile application for monitoring health (Ted McCarthy, PhD student in Biomedical & Health Informatics) Past CHI Student Design Competition Topics Whatever you’d like!
University of Washington HCDE 418 Project Project ComponentWorthDue Date P1: Project Declaration, Team Form2%Jan 14 P2: User Research – Contextual Inquiry & Survey8%Jan 28 P3: Conveying Research Findings – Personas & Scenarios6%Feb 4 P4: Design Sketches & Ideas6%Feb 6 P5: Prototypes8%Feb 20 P6: Experiment Design & Experience Sampling5%Feb 25 P7: Final Report & Presentation10%Mar 4 & Mar 6
University of Washington HCDE 418 Team Composition 5 members from a diverse team I get to choose…. Fill out form now 5 minutes
University of Washington HCDE 418 Participation – 10% Treat all with respect – be constructive in all discussions Come to class prepared – read carefully prior to class meetings Be an active listener – be attentive, be engaged, use in- class technology with discretion Ask challenging questions Comment, build on, or clarify others' contributions Help your classmates use technologies Post useful or interesting information to the class discussion list Visit the instructor during office hours to chat, to ask questions, or to give feedback.
University of Washington HCDE 418 Discussion Board Posts – 10% Must make 1.5 substantial posts per week on class discussion board (15 total) Discussions will be on textbook, Sketching User Experiences, other readings, or other topics of your choosing Posts must be high quality! No “me too!” or “I disagree”
University of Washington HCDE 418 Quarter-Long Sketching Project – 20% Think about the products and things you use in everyday life They were all designed by someone! Designs are rarely perfect the first time Sketching is an important skill in design Quantity + Practice increases ability Sketching is an activity and thought process
University of Washington HCDE 418 Quarter-Long Sketching Project Each week, sketch at least 3 new ideas for how you might improve everyday objects, technologies, and websites around you in a sketchbook toothbrush door knob cell phone Or use exercises in the Sketching User Experiences Workbook Must have at least 30 sketches by the end of the quarter!
University of Washington HCDE 418 Quarter-Long Sketching Project Each Wednesday bring your sketchbook to class You will meet in small groups to critique each others’ ideas and take notes At the end of the quarter, you’ll submit your sketchbook and a report that reflects on your experience
University of Washington HCDE 418 A Note about Drawing Skills Good drawing skills are not required… Stick figures, scribbles, boxes and lines are perfectly acceptable! Quality is not important, only idea and quantity. However, you can take a drawing class if you want to get better! ASUW Experimental College offers several, like Drawing for Absolute Beginners
University of Washington HCDE 418 Policies Academic integrity Grading Extensions Late assignments Accommodation Quality of written assignments Attendance Swine Flu
University of Washington HCDE 418 Course Topics User Research Methods Ask, Look, Learn, Try Conveying User Research Personas Sketching Prototyping Lo-fi, Hi-fi, Narrative User Experience Evaluation Emotional Design
University of Washington HCDE 418 What this class is not about Usability Testing Analytical Evaluations Programming Drawing/Art
University of Washington HCDE 418 Overlap with INFO 360 INFO 360 – User-Centered Design Some repetition of topics e.g., User Research, Evaluation, Prototyping However, you will go more in depth Sketching component added No repeated assignments or projects :)
University of Washington HCDE 418 Next Class Topics Wed, Jan 9 Overview of User Research Techniques Interaction Design, Ch. 7 (on course website) Sketching User Experiences, pp Tips for Working in groups (on course website) Obtain a sketchbook and start sketching! 3 sketches by Thursday
University of Washington HCDE 418 Course Website, Schedule Finalized by the end of the day