(Your name) Portfolio Project Fall 2013 Advisory (Advisor’s Name)
Preface Part 1 [general] Mini-biography of your academic life Who are you as a student? Where have you been recently ? What are your short term academic goals? What are your long-term goals? How have you done at Leaders? (You can compare your successes & struggles to your previous experiences in traditional schools)
Preface Part 2 [specific] REFLECT on Leaders: How is the LiL program working for you? Identify at least one thing that is working well, explain why. Identify something that is not going so well. Why?
Table of Contents LIST each class you are currently enrolled in at Leaders…(in the order they will be presented.) Example: 1.Advisory (list this first) 2.Each CB or CR class that you’ve completed (list these next) 3.Other “core” classes (i.e. Geometry, Algebra, etc.)
Class TITLE SLIDE (i.e. “Biology”) hours spent for TOTAL Hours spent on the class (on & off campus) TEACHER for the class
Class Name Here (i.e. “Biology”) DESCRIPTION: In your own words, describe what you had to do to earn credit for this class?
Class Name (i.e. “Biology”) REFLECTION: How has this class gone for you? Is it what you expected ? Explain why or why not. Identify at least one thing that has gone well. Explain why? Identify something that has NOT gone so well. Explain why?
Class Name (i.e. “Biology”) 3 BEST WORKS: CHOOSE three (3) examples of your best work* from the class (“CORE” CLASSES ONLY… not P.E. or Advisory) DESCRIBE why you chose each of these assignments (If possible) SHOW scanned versions of each of those best works *the assignment doesn’t have to have a good grade – maybe the topic was interesting, or you tried your best, etc.
Class Name (i.e. “Biology”) My BEST WORK 1:
Class Name (i.e. “Biology”) My BEST WORK 2:
Class Name (i.e. “Biology”) My BEST WORK 3:
Bibliography LIST the sources for this class ( INCLUDE books, videos, websites, and teacher) USE correct MLA format* * Link to MLA formatting siteMLA formatting site Example: U.S. History 1 Textbook: U.S. History… Video: America, History of Us… Websites: Youtube… Teacher: Jesse Lee
Repeat slides 5 – 11 for EACH CLASS.