Political Outcomes - Responses Examine the resurgence of nationalism in ONE country. Discuss anti-globalization movements. Discuss attempts to control migration in ONE country.
Anti-globalization movements Movement whose participants are opposed to capitalism and globalisation. The philosophy of the movement is based on the belief that individuals and organizations can achieve social, personal and economic goals without the negative consequences associated with capitalism. The anti-globalization movement places more emphasis on economic efficiency and human decency versus corporate competition and profits at any cost.
How do AGMs gain attention? What do AGMs want? 1. TNCs and nation-states to be accountable for all citizens. 2. Long-term and short-term impacts of economic activity to be included in all decision making processes. 3. Spread the benefits of globalization further to reduce marginalization and disparities.
Choose any of the following movements… Focus on the Global South People’s Global Action Landless People’s Movement in South Africa Grassroots Global Justice in the USA Revolutionary International Organisation Homeless Workers Movement in Brazil nt/who-we-are ativ/agp/en/pgainfos/history.ht m ndless_Peoples_Movementhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La ndless_Peoples_Movement no official website on.org/?language=en meless_Workers'_Movement meless_Workers'_Movement no official English website Who are they? Where are they? What is their goal? Examples of their actions. Successes / failures?
EG “Focus on the Global South” Group that challenges organizations to consider the needs of marginalized groups. Their name is linked to the ‘poor south’ beneath the Brandt line. Offices in Thailand, Philippines and India – strong focus on Asian nations. Linked to population density in this region? Goal is to “meet the needs of oppressed people” by allowing equal opportunities in accessing basic necessities eg, concern over water-privatization in Philippines. Assembled 3000 civil society individuals at ASEAN (Association of SE Asian Nations) conference meeting (March 2014) to spread international awareness and move toward their targets. Difficult to pin-point specific actions eg “derailed Doha WTO meeting”. Illegal? Seems successful in spreading word and ideas, but limited effectiveness in driving real visible change.
Discuss attempts to control migration RECAP: UK migration. What efforts are put in place to reduce migration already. What are the impacts of these measures? Success? Net migration to the UK The net migration estimate for the year ending (YE) June 2015 is 336,000, a statistically significant increase from the estimate of 254,000 in YE June This remains the highest estimate of net migration on record.
Source: Long-term International Migration, International Passenger Survey (IPS) - Office for National Statistics
Migration controls What are they? How far are the UK in control of migration?
Brexit – britain-s-referendum-eu-membership britain-s-referendum-eu-membership What is the debate? What are the main reasons for and against? How could it enable the UK to have more control over global interactions?