Z Equals Twenty from Antarctica Lifan Wang. 宇宙学 Type Ia SNe at Maximum.


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Presentation transcript:

z Equals Twenty from Antarctica Lifan Wang


Type Ia SNe at Maximum

The exposure time required to obtain S/N = 5 five rest frame days after explosion for a canonical supernova using an 8- m telescope at Dome A. Note the change in scale between the two plots. 10 rest frame days after explosion

Zhao et al. 2010, PASP

The epoch of reionization Galaxies at, quasars and Gamma-Ray Bursts at z ~ cm radiation – The Murchison Widefield Array (Paul Hancock’s Talk) – LOFAR

zETA Telescope aperture: 4.0 meter diameter FoV 1 degree Image Quality 0.15 arcsec Camera: 0.16 arcsec/pix, 11X11 H2RG, or 30 H4RG, optimized for K-band Sensitivity: SN=5 (1hour) for a K=26.3 mag (AB) star, or 138 hours to reach K=29 mag A factor of 450 gain in efficiency as compared to VISTA (50 from background, 9 from seeing)

Observations The total amount of dark time at Dome A is 2606 hours/year (Zou et al. 2010, AJ, 140, 602). The strategy of the survey can be – 1380 hours/year on 10 deep fields to reach reach K = 29 (AB) – about 1000 hours evenly distributed to cover about 1000 sq degrees each year to a depth of (AB) For comparison, the Ultra-VISTA survey is 5σ to a depth of 25.6 mag (AB) over a field of view of 0.73 deg 2.

zETA with KDUST The smaller aperture results in a lower efficiency, by a factor of 2.56 – 3-4 zETA deep fields to K = 29 – 1000 sq deg to about 25.3 mag For comparison, the Ultra-VISTA survey is 5σ to a depth of 25.6 mag (AB) over a field of view of 0.73 deg 2.


Pair Production SNe The predicted rate of first generation supernovae varies tremendously based on different models. – Mackey et al. (2003) have shown that the rate is ∼ 50 PISNe deg −2 yr −1 above z = 15 – Weinmann & Lilly (2005) have found a rate of ∼ 4 deg −2 yr −1 at z ∼ 20. – An even lower value of ∼ 0.34 deg -2 yr −1 at z ∼ 20 was given by Wise & Abel (2005) – using a Press-Schecter (P-S) formalism. Hummel et al. (2012) found an an upper limit of about 0.2 PISNe visible per JWST field of view at any given time and conclude that the main obstacle to observing PISNe is their scarcity rather than their faintness.

Normal and Superluminous Supernovae Normal Type II Superluminous Supernovae

Pop III SNe? AST3!!! KDUST4.0 KDUST2.5

Flavors of Pair Production Supernovae Mass ~ M  Mass ~ M  In a hypothetical 1-year survey, the JWST should detect up to thousands of SNe (mostly core-collapse) per unit redshift at z ∼ 6. (Messenger, 2006)

Observations NIR light curves for five Pop III SNe at 2.0 μm at z = 15 (solid) and z = 20 (dotted). The horizontal lines are the detection limit for WFIRST (27 mag, AB) and JWST (32 mag, AB).The limiting magnitude of the zETA deep field is 29 mag (AB). (From Whalen et al. 2013, ApJ, 762, 6).

Pulsational Pair Production SNe

Hypernovae Smidt et al. 2014

z=7 Quasar and VISTA Filters May, 2010 VISTA bands SDSS bands

Synergies with Other Projects LSST JWST GMT/TMT/E-ELT zETA can be the target feeder

LSST Filters u: 330nm to 403nm g: 403nm to 552nm r: 552nm to 691nm i: 691nm to 818nm z: 818nm to 922nm y: 950nm to 1070nm Maximum redshift is less than 10! LSST Filters

The first AST3 telescope was installed on Jan. 24, Astronomical operation began on March 15. How do we get to zETA?

Kunlun Dark Universe Telescope Intermediate Scale Project Supernovae Weak Lensing Strong Lensing BAO?

PILOT/KDUST Sensitivity

KDUST Status Update Pending Chinese Approval International Collaboration