Key Dates Process & Systems FY16 Mid Year Reviews 1st Dec : Get Ready : SF open for employee self review (soft launch) 4th - 25th Jan: Employee self rates 25th - 29th Jan SF closed 31st Jan: All employee forms pushed through to Manager Rates 1st Feb - 29th Feb: Manager Rates/Calibration/1:1 meeting 23rd - 26h Feb SF closed 1st March - Mid Year closed ●No interruption for “winning at Christmas” and less interruption for “winning for the summer”; ●Conversations are the most important part of the review; ●All employees deserve a quality conversations with their leader at least quarterly ●Discussion should be holistic and review performance against objectives as well as behaviour, ●Opportunity to finalise and review or refresh objectives if appropriate ●Focus on simplification and lighter touch for process ●Documentation in SF should be light touch dot points (Stop/Start/Continue) Simplified process in Success Factors - fewer steps required Food Group, Liquor and Logistics Step 1: Employee Rates Step 2: Manager Rates (1:1 meeting) Step 3: Employee signs Big W, Home Improvement, PEL, Retail Services (excl Logistics) and Corporate and Support Services Step 1: Employee Rates Step 2: Manager Rates Step 3: Calibration Step 4: 1:1 Meeting Key Messages
Guidelines for Managers Have a good conversation about performance and career with all of your salaried employees as part of mid year review Take the opportunity to review individual objectives and development plans and make sure they are aligned across your team Seek feedback from others that you can share with your employees Performance= Results + Behaviour - discuss behaviours and values as part of your conversation Individual performance should be reflective of business financial performance There is no need to comment on every objective in Success Factors - overall comments and a rating are all that is required for mid year Focus on light touch documentation but make sure you have a quality conversation about performance and career Guidelines for Employees You are responsible for your objectives and your development plan Ensure you have your objectives and development plan finalised in Success Factors and agreed with your line manager Make sure you have a meeting with your line manager to review your progress against your objectives as part of the mid year review In your self assessment in Success Factors, there is no need to comment on every objective - overall comments and a rating are all that is required at mid year Seek feedback from others that you can share with your line manager Provide your manager with names of those who can provide feedback on you so they can make the request in Success Factors Agree with your line manager what you need to do to deliver on your objectives for the second half of the year
What's changed? No need to comment on every objective - only overall comments required. After employees signs step process is complete - no need to send back to manager No need to comment on every objective - only overall comments required. After 1:1 meeting step, process in SF is complete. No need to do “employee signs” or “manager signs” step No need to comment on every objective - only overall comments required. No calibration step required in SF No need to sign off forms after employee has signed No need to comment on every objective - only overall comments required. After 1:1 meeting step, process in SF is complete. No need to do “employee signs or manager signs step Big W, Home Improvement, PEL, Retail Services (excl Logistics) and Corporate and Support Services Food Group, Liquor and Logistics For Employees For Managers
FY16 Mid Year Performance Review November December JanuaryFebruaryMarch Focus on winning Christmas and Summer \ Timeline Employee Rates Manager Rates, Calibration and 1:1 Meetings Financials published 26th Feb Mid Year closes 1 March 4th Jan SF open 1 Dec 31 Jan All forms pushed through to Manager Rates in SF 25th Jan SF Closed Jan SF closed Feb