Curriculum for Excellence: New National Qualifications in Scotland North Berwick High School Parent Council AGM September 2011 Scott Murphy CfE Liaison Manager Scottish Qualifications Authority
Purpose of Session This session will: Explain SQA Curriculum for Excellence liaison team, our role and on-going work Summarise new National Qualifications including freestanding literacy and numeracy Units Explain the development process Identify the timescales involved and how to keep informed Conclude with a Q & A session – ‘Parents and Carers Information Leaflets’
Curriculum for Excellence Liaison Team 7 CfE Liaison Managers & Line Manager Cover Scotland’s 32 Local Education Authorities – including Secondary Schools, Colleges, Independent Schools and External Training Providers (ETP) In post since September 2010 Lots of engagement – Events, In-Service visits, CPD sessions, Head Teacher/SQA Co-ordinator meetings, Parent Council, Local Authority meetings etc. Provide support and advice
National Qualifications
New National Courses Current Qualifications will be revised – Access 1-3, Higher and Advanced Higher will be revised to reflect aims, values, principles of Curriculum for Excellence. Aim to provide good progression/articulation to and from National 4 and National 5 National 4 – replaces Standard Grade (General) and Intermediate 1 National 5 – replaces Standard Grade (Credit) and Intermediate 2
Assessment Courses are Unit based - Units assessed pass/fail within centres – as at present Assessment will be appropriate to subject and level. 7 methods of assessment - case-study, practical work, performance, portfolio, assignment, project work and question paper. To be awarded the Course, learners must provide evidence which meets the requirements of all of the Units and a Course assessment
Added Value This is what makes the Course more than the sum of its parts. This is not a new idea, it builds on the current Course assessment for Intermediate Qualifications, Highers and Advanced Highers. Each Course from National 4 to Advanced Higher will be 160 notional hours (includes a 40-hour added value element)
Added Value For National 4, the added value is in an Added Value Unit. This will require the learner to demonstrate breadth, challenge and/or application of skills. National 4 Courses will not be graded. For National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher, the 160 hours will include an added value Course assessment. This will sample breadth, challenge and/or application of skills from across the Course. The Course assessment at these levels will be graded A – D (as at present).
National Qualifications
Literacy and Numeracy Freestanding Units at SCQF levels 3, 4 and 5 – Access 3, National 4 and National 5. A Literacy Unit to be included in English Courses at SCQF levels 3 and 4 (Access 3 and National 4) A Numeracy Unit to be included in Mathematics Courses at SCQF levels 3 and 4 (Access 3 and National 4) A Numeracy Unit to be included in Life-skills Mathematics Course at SCQF levels 4 and 5 (National 4 and 5) Some, not all, literacy/numeracy skills included in English and Mathematics at SCQF 5 (National 5) – no certification unless learner also completes freestanding Unit
Developing the new Courses Dedicated development teams – Over 1000 people involved Curriculum Area Review Groups (external nominations) Qualification Design Teams (external nominations) Subject Working Groups -
Subject Expertise: CARG/ QDT Course Design: Design principles Technical Writing: QDC assisted by SWG Assessment Expertise: SQA Qualifications
Timelines - Overview 2010 – new curriculum introduced 2012 – publication of new qualifications levels 1 to – last Standard Grades + current Access 1, 2 & 3; publication of new qualifications level 7 (Advanced Higher) 2014 – first new qualifications at levels 1 to 5 (Access 1, 2, 3 and National 4/5); dual run’ with existing National Courses 2015 – first new qualifications at level 6 (Higher); ‘dual run’ with existing National Courses 2016 – first new qualifications at level 7 (Advanced Higher)
Key 2011 Delivery Timelines Nat 4/5draft Rationale and Courses SummaryJan 11 Nat 4/5draft Courses SpecificationsApr 11 Higherdraft Rationale and Courses SummaryMay 11 Acc 3draft Rationale and Courses SummaryAug 11 Higherdraft Courses SpecificationsAug 11 Nat 4/5draft Unit SpecificationsAug 11 Nat 4draft Added Value Unit SpecificationsAug 11 Acc 3draft Courses SpecificationsOct 11 Higher draft Unit SpecificationsNov 11 Nat 5draft Courses Assessment Specs.Nov 11 Acc 3draft Unit Specifications Dec 11
Key 2012 Delivery Timelines Acc 3draft Courses Assessment SpecificationsJan 12 Higherdraft Courses Assessment SpecificationsJan 12 Nat 4/5draft Courses Support PacksJan 12 Higher draft Courses Support PacksFeb 12 Adv Hdraft Rationale and Courses SummaryMar 12 Acc 3draft Courses Support Packs Apr 12 Adv Hdraft Courses SpecificationsMay 12 Adv H draft Unit SpecificationsOct 12 Adv Hdraft Courses Assessment SpecificationsDec 12 April 2012 Publication of formal arrangements and specifications (SCQF Levels 1 – 6) Implementation events (May – December 2012) Assessment support/exemplification will be available from 2012
Useful Links Keep Informed - – – – – –
Questions? Thank you for your time Curriculum For Excellence Liaison Manager Edinburgh City, West Lothian, East Lothian, Midlothian and Scottish Borders