AFP Chapter Leaders Call A Conversation With AFP’s Chair and President/CEO April 30, 2012
Andrea McManus, CFRE Chair Andrew Watt, FInstF President and CEO
The Past 12 Months Meeting with leaders from over 100 AFP chapters Taking your feedback to create new goals and strengthen existing ones Developing a new business plan to ensure we meet those goals
2012 and Beyond The Three C’s: Communications, Connections, Collaborations Member Recruitment and Retention Engaging the Next Generation Serving the Broader Community
2011 – 2013 Strategic Plan 1)Skills and knowledge 2)Ethics 3)Public policy 4)Optimal value to members 5)Diversity and inclusion 6)International community 7)Young professionals/next generation
Strategic Plan Context Statement To fulfill our mission, AFP must recognize that in an increasingly global community, the association and its members are evolving from a focus on fundraising tools and techniques to a more comprehensive focus on philanthropy.
Changes in the Profession Donors seeking a philanthropic experience Fundraisers now directors of engagement Wide array of new skills and knowledge needed
Rethinking What skills and knowledge fundraisers need What information we provide to members How we provide information to members How our members connect with each other
Goals and Programming New Membership Categories TechKnow Awards Government Relations New Database/Conversion Research
What Can We Do BETTER? Continue to solicit feedback from chapters Develop new ways to communicate and meet Questions/Comments?