The IHK Education Centre Halle-Dessau IHK = CCI
Introduction Main facts: Owner: 100% CCI Halle-Dessau Headquarters: Dessau-Roßlau Foundation:13th May 1991 Legal Status:non-profit organisation Employees: 48 Participants: about 6,000 per year
Introduction Mission Statement: 1. We are your guarantee for quality training. 2. We are professionals. 3. We offer services of high quality. 4. We are all working towards common goals. 5. We are a strong team.
Introduction CCI region Halle- Dessau Dessau- Roßlau Wolfen Halle Sangerhausen Weißenfels Naumburg Our 6 locations:
Introduction Our main aims: 1. Vocational training for young people and young professionals 2. Certfied training and further education for professionals (CCI- Certificates / specific IT certificates) 3. Specific Training to support the adaptation of SMEs to technological and structural changes
Introduction Main target groups: 1. Managers and professionals in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 2. Apprentices 3. Business set-ups 4. (Newly established) Entrepreneurs
Introduction Products: 1. Inhouse-Training 2. Certfied training/further education courses (CCI-Certificates) 3. Training for business set-ups 4. Innovative Projects 5. Vocational training courses 6. Training for unemployed people
Introduction IT-Certificates: 1. CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA) 2. Microsoft Office Specialist Programm 3. IC3 Internet and Computing Core Certification 4. ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) 5. Webmasters Europe
Introduction Projects: 1. e-learning Initiative: e4net - European Experiences on eLearning for Economic Development 2. ADAPT: TECHNO - empowering SMEs to adapt and solve problems through tailor-made training and project work 3. NOW: ODEIA / MINERVA 4. National & regional funding programs: regarding tourism, solar & food sectors
Introduction Partners: 1. CCI Halle, Leipzig and all across Germany 2. T-Systems, Cisco-Systems, Microsoft 3. Local/industrial Associations/networks 4. Regional training providers 5. European Partners (e.g. Spain, UK, Dk) 6. … and: YOU!
Introduction Special Equipment: 1. Creative Centre innovative technology in a pleasant surrounding: Brainstorm in comfortable leather arm chairs and use Smart Board and Tablet- PCs to shape and develop your ideas!
Introduction 2.Network laboratory … for experimenting Practice hands-on with the relevant technology and test your knowledge in practice without endangering your company‘s network! Special Equipment:
Introduction 3. Print and Media Centre … for professional media production: Integrate all activities regarding design, print, animation and video production in this unique room! Special Equipment:
Introduction Our Team - Ready for co-operation! Dessau- Roßlau Wolfen Halle Sangerhausen Weißenfels Naumburg Thank you very much for your attention!