Oyster Creek [Exelon Nuclear] Oyster Creek: Operated at power Scheduled Maintenance Outage April 24 – May 13 NRC Assessment (ROP Action Matrix): Licensee Response Oyster Creek’s Future: Permanent Plant Shutdown September 2016: 26 th Refueling Outage June 2019: NRC Approval of Defueled E- Plan November 30, 2019: Final plant shutdown (comply with NJ plant discharge permit) December 30, 2019: Full Core Offload Complete December 31, 2019: NJ/Exelon Consent Order date for final shutdown 2020: SAFSTOR vs. Decontamination & Dismantlement Decision STATUS OF NJ NUCLEAR PLANTS SINCE LAST MEETING
Salem 1 & 2 and Hope Creek [PSEG Nuclear] S1: April 14: Start of 24 th Refueling (Scheduled for 28 Days) Outage Delayed Due to Discovery of Broken Reactor Core Baffle Bolts S2: February 4: Trip from 75% (Generator Protection Relay ) February 14: Trip from 100% (Stator Water Relay) HC: Operated at power NRC Assessment (ROP Action Matrix): All three units - Licensee Response NJ NUCLEAR PLANTS STATUS SINCE LAST MEETING (cont’d)
Salem & Hope Creek – Vertical Storage [Holtec] Capacity: 200 Casks Present Storage: 50 Casks (28 HC; 15 S1; 7 S2) Last Campaign: June 2015 Next Campaign: June 2016 – 6 S2 Casks (based on S1 outage) Oyster Creek – Horizontal Storage [Transnuclear] Capacity: 34 Casks Present Storage: 24 Casks Last Campaign: 2016 (April/May) Next Campaign: After Permanent Shutdown NJ INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE INSTALLATIONS (ISFSI)
2016 DRILLS & EXERCISES March 24:Hope Creek Dress Rehearsal for FEMA/NRC Graded Exercise May 17:Hope Creek FEMA/NRC Graded Exercise June 16:Salem Quarterly Drill August 9:Oyster Creek State Graded Exercise November 9:Oyster Creek Quarterly Drill November 17:Salem Quarterly Drill
RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL SHIPMENTS IN/OUT OF NJ 2015 (Total)HRCQ*:10 Non-HRCQ: (YTD)HRCQ: 2 Non-HRCQ: 4 * Highway Route Controlled Quantity