What do you think about? What occupies your mental realm? Pro 23:7 Prov 4: 23 Phil 4:8
We focused on the cross and the benefits. Chiefly, the cross gives access to God, so that partnership can be established. This is what I call ‘’Beyond Salvation’’ that we saw in Rev 4:11: casting their crowns shows this is your doing, not my efforts.
My purpose in life is to please you.
That’s the partnership that leads to success in life and ministry. 1cor 3:9-11. Thinking about the cross gives you humility to walk with God (Isa 57:15; James 4:6-10). That’s what has turned ordinary people to extraordinary people.
(Gen. 39:2-3, 6-9, I Sam 22:1-2, I Chron 29) Peter the timid betrayer vs the Peter in Acts 2, 3, 4.
We live in the days of Noah & Lot (Job 22:15-18). Everyone seeks to outdo God as you see in the 2 pictures
(i) There must be checks and balances [control] for life to be conducive, for life to be meaningful and productive [Phil 4:8, Col 3:1-5].
(ii) Your goal in this life must be heaven (1 Tim 6:11-12, John 14:1-3, Phil 3:15. Moses and God on the Promised Land (Ex 3:7-8), God and Joshua (Josh 1:7- 8), David in Psalm 16:8-10, Nehemiah in Neh 5:19; 13:22,
He didn’t need earthly rewards NLT discuss. 2 Tim 4:6-8, 1 Cor 9:24-27, Phil 3:14, 2 Cor 5:9
You don’t get to heaven based on your/their assumptions. There is only one way to heaven. It is found in John 14:6
There is only one WAY – application of TRUTH – the word of God (John 17:17). Romans 1:19 (NLT) Mark 10:17-30
Christianity is a race that leads to heaven, that is what Paul told Timothy and any one that wants to go to heaven. 2 Timothy 2:1-5
Hebrews 6:1-3 says that eternity is supposed to be elementary knowledge; what you teach primary school students and that is what pastors and Christians alike are grappling with.
By dictionary definition elementary constitute what is called the basic, the elemental or fundamental part of anything. It is so important that it is called the essential or fundamental part of something.
Essential means something you can't overlook or do without, fundamental means the same thing.
You must know that there is judgment ahead, it will help you live for tomorrow. Philippians 3:8-10, 1Tim. 6:12 2Tim. 4: 10
Psalm 90:7-12 Eccl 3:11 1 john 2:15-17.
World in 1 John is defined as “Kosmos’’ meaning an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government, the ungodly multitude, the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the causes of Christ, world affairs,
the aggregate of things earthly a: a whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures etc, which although hollow and frail and fleeting, stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ.
A story by Dag Hewitt Mills the Ghanaian half cast pastor in his book, ‘’The Art of Leadership’’.
How it dawned on him that he wasn’t thinking of heaven- The accident and his reaction –rebaptized, new church constitution, will etc.