© W. Wahlster, DFKI IST ´98 Workshop „The Language of Business - the Business of Language“ Vienna, 2 December 1998 German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, Geb Saarbrücken Tel.: (0681) /4162 Fax: (0681) WWW: Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster Towards Personalized and Intuitive IST
© W. Wahlster, DFKI User Profiles NLP Competence Buyer of Information, Services, Goods Netbots -Information Extraction -Information Condensation -Translation -Text/Data Mining -Teleshopping Assistance -Telemarketing Assistance -Matchmaking -Personalized Presentation Netbots -Information Extraction -Information Condensation -Translation -Text/Data Mining -Teleshopping Assistance -Telemarketing Assistance -Matchmaking -Personalized Presentation Seller of Information Services, Goods WWW Netbots Need NLP Competence to Provide Intelligent Internet Services
© W. Wahlster, DFKI Advanced WebCommerce Advanced WebCommerce Virtual Web Pages One-to-One Marketing One-to-One Marketing Intuitive, Multilingual Access Dialogue with Virtual Sales Agents Shopbots for Automated Comparison Shopping Text Analysis and Generation User Modeling and Language Generation Coordinated Text & Graphics Planning Robust Dialogue Understanding Advanced Speech Synthesis Information Extraction from HTML/XML Documents Machine Translation Multimodal Interfaces Multimedia Presentation Planning Human Language Technology is a Prerequisite for Advanced WebCommerce
© W. Wahlster, DFKI Advanced Call Center Advanced Call Center Analyse and Forward Customers´ s Generate Personalized Replies Generate Personalized Replies Translate Dialogue between Foreign Customer and Operator Conduct Dialogue for Simple Tasks Produce Dialogue Protocols Detect Topic/Request Type and Select Operator Classify Customer‘s Language and Forward Call to Appropriate Operator Classify Customer‘s Language and Forward Call to Appropriate Operator Efficient Text Classification Spontaneous Speech Translation Concept-to- Speech Systems Language/Age/Sex/Emotion Recognition Robust Dialogue Act Analysis Topic Spotting Dialogue Act Recognition Robust Spoken Dialogue Understanding Human Language Technology is a Key Component of Advanced Call Centers
© W. Wahlster, DFKI Dialogue Translation e.g. by Verbmobil Multilingual Generation of Protocols HTML-Document In English Transfered by Internet or Fax HTML-Document In English Transfered by Internet or Fax German Dialogue Partner English Dialogue Partner Automatic Generation of Multilingual Protocols of Telephone Conversations