What is? Digitax TDS Cloud System is a last generation taxi dispatch system and fleet management that uses modern communication technologies (GPRS/UMTS, INTERNET, GSM, VOIP) to maximize the number of incoming requests, serving them at the same time as quick as possible.
What is? Digitax TDS Cloud System is a last generation taxi dispatch system and fleet management that uses modern communication technologies (GPRS/UMTS, INTERNET, GSM, VOIP) to maximize the number of incoming requests, serving them at the same time as quick as possible. The dispatcher is able to assign the jobs to the best candidate using sophisticated search algorithms which are completely configurable and customizable by the Customer to best suit his personal needs. The Cloud infrastructure is designed to ensure maximum service continuity, redundancy and excellent performance and is able to handle unlimited operator’s workplaces.
How does it work?
Working Areas It is possible to divide the entire area in a set of working areas. This is useful to group taxies of the same working area in a virtual queue. Each working area can contain taxi stands. Each taxi stand is used as another, more specific, virtual queue. The System can assign each specific trip request to the Client’s «nearest» taxi using these virtual queues. Airport Downtown Periphery
Automatic Mode Typically used in small/medium environments, without premises Call Center operator. In this mode, the call is transferred directly to the taxi driver’s phone. The same mode can also be used in a small operators Call Center solution to cover nighttime or holidays. Registered users can ask for a taxi without speaking to an operator, choosing between the last pickup address or preferred addresses list, by using a DTMF menu.
Operator Mode Typically used in medium/large environments, with premises Call Center operator. In this mode the call is transferred to the Call Center operators who enter the requested data into a simple web interface with embedded VoIP softphone. Registered users can ask for a taxi without speaking to an operator, choosing between the last pickup address or preferred addresses list, by using a DTMF menu.
OPERATOR Mode Request a taxi by phone Using OPERATOR Mode, Customers call Taxi Company's public phone number. An automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) answers the calls, playing custom messages to the Customers.
OPERATOR Mode Request a taxi by phone New Customer Registered Customer Using OPERATOR Mode, Customers call Taxi Company's public phone number. An automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) answers the calls, playing custom messages to the Customers. First time Customer is not yet registered, so the TDS system transfers the call to a Call Center operator. The operator writes the requested pickup address into the system and the taxi request is processed. If Customer is registered, he can speak anyway with an Operator or request a taxi using his preferred addresses list or his last pickup address.
OPERATOR Mode Request a taxi by phone New Customer Registered Customer Using OPERATOR Mode, Customers call Taxi Company's public phone number. An automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) answers the calls, playing custom messages to the Customers. First time Customer is not yet registered, so the TDS system transfers the call to a Call Center operator. The operator writes the requested pickup address into the system and the taxi request is processed. If Customer is registered, he can speak anyway with an Operator or request a taxi using his preferred addresses list or his last pickup address. The TDS system immediately searches the best taxi candidate and sends a taxi request to the taxi driver's mobile data terminal (Digitax MDT). The MDT shows all trips information, such as pickup address, civic number, Customer data and so on.
OPERATOR Mode Request a taxi by phone New Customer Registered Customer Using OPERATOR Mode, Customers call Taxi Company's public phone number. An automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) answers the calls, playing custom messages to the Customers. First time Customer is not yet registered, so the TDS system transfers the call to a Call Center operator. The operator writes the requested pickup address into the system and the taxi request is processed. If Customer is registered, he can speak anyway with an Operator or request a taxi using his preferred addresses list or his last pickup address. The TDS system immediately searches the best taxi candidate and sends a taxi request to the taxi driver's mobile data terminal (Digitax MDT). The MDT shows all trips information, such as pickup address, civic number, Customer data and so on. Taxi driver can accept the trip and specify the arrival time or reject. If trip is refused by the driver, the TDS system proposes it to another taxi driver until someone accept the trip. When trip is accepted, the IVR notifies the taxi name and the declared arrival time to the Customer.
Using AUTOMATIC Mode, Customers call Taxi Company's public phone number. An automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) answers the calls, playing custom messages to the Customers (for example: “Press 1 for a taxi at the Airport, press 2 for a taxi at the Train Station or press 3 for a taxi on the downtown. Press 0 to request information.”). AUTOMATIC Mode Request a taxi by phone
Using AUTOMATIC Mode, Customers call Taxi Company's public phone number. An automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) answers the calls, playing custom messages to the Customers (for example: “Press 1 for a taxi at the Airport, press 2 for a taxi at the Train Station or press 3 for a taxi on the downtown. Press 0 to request information.”). The TDS system immediately searches the best taxi candidate based on their GPS position and their taximeter state and transfer the call to the taxi driver's phone. At the end of the call, taxi driver's mobile data terminal (Digitax MDT) receives information about the Customer (Customer phone number and so on) and the trip starts. AUTOMATIC Mode Request a taxi by phone
Using AUTOMATIC Mode, Customers call Taxi Company's public phone number. An automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) answers the calls, playing custom messages to the Customers (for example: “Press 1 for a taxi at the Airport, press 2 for a taxi at the Train Station or press 3 for a taxi on the downtown. Press 0 to request information.”). The TDS system immediately searches the best taxi candidate based on their GPS position and their taximeter state and transfer the call to the taxi driver's phone. At the end of the call, taxi driver's mobile data terminal (Digitax MDT) receives information about the Customer (Customer phone number and so on) and the trip starts. The TDS system can also handle information request or delayed booking using separate algorithm and taxi queue priority. AUTOMATIC Mode Request a taxi by phone
OPERATOR/AUTOMATIC Mode Request a taxi by website Customers use the Taxi Company's booking website to request a taxi simply writing the requested pickup address and civic number.
OPERATOR/AUTOMATIC Mode Request a taxi by website Customers use the Taxi Company's booking website to request a taxi simply writing the requested pickup address and civic number. The TDS system immediately searches the best taxi candidate and sends a taxi request to the taxi driver's mobile data terminal (Digitax MDT). The MDT shows all trips information, such as pickup address, civic number, Customer data and so on.
OPERATOR/AUTOMATIC Mode Request a taxi by website Customers use the Taxi Company's booking website to request a taxi simply writing the requested pickup address and civic number. The TDS system immediately searches the best taxi candidate and sends a taxi request to the taxi driver's mobile data terminal (Digitax MDT). The MDT shows all trips information, such as pickup address, civic number, Customer data and so on. Taxi driver can accept the trip and specify the arrival time or reject. If trip is refused by the driver, the TDS system proposes it to another taxi driver until someone accept the trip. When trip is accepted, the TDS system immediately notifies the taxi name and the declared arrival time to the Customer.
OPERATOR/AUTOMATIC Mode Request a taxi by website Customers use the Taxi Company's booking website to request a taxi simply writing the requested pickup address and civic number. The TDS system immediately searches the best taxi candidate and sends a taxi request to the taxi driver's mobile data terminal (Digitax MDT). The MDT shows all trips information, such as pickup address, civic number, Customer data and so on. Taxi driver can accept the trip and specify the arrival time or reject. If trip is refused by the driver, the TDS system proposes it to another taxi driver until someone accept the trip. When trip is accepted, the TDS system immediately notifies the taxi name and the declared arrival time to the Customer. This feature is the best solution for Hotels, Restaurants, etc. because is simple and very fast!
Operator Workstation
ForceOne MDT Real-time worldwide communication between terminal and operating center (via GPRS/UMTS) Working Areas Priority and statistics Full jobs management Instant Text Messaging Agenda and personal settings Pause Management Diagnostics Info (GPS, GPRS, etc.) Automatic Updates (OTA)
X-One Plus MDT Real-time worldwide communication between terminal and operating center (via GPRS/UMTS) Totally embedded Navigation System Working Areas Priority and statistics Full jobs management Instant Text Messaging Agenda and personal settings Pause Management Diagnostics Info (GPS, GPRS, etc.) Automatic Updates (OTA) 7” WVGA Display (Touchscreen Automotive Full Rugged), highest performance and optional navigation system make this product ideal for intensive use in taxi fleets ranging in size from medium to very large (50 taxis and more)