WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY? The application of accumulated human knowledge, to transform resources, using tools and skills, to meet a need solve a problem and or extend human capabilities.
THREE ASPECTS OF TECH Physical technology Biological related technology Information/Communication technology
Physical technology Transportation-plane, trains, autos Production-things made by: –Manufacturing-factories-gizmos- assembly –Construction-built on the spot
Biological Food processing- cow to a burger Medicine-antibiotics, aspirin, caffeine, nicotine, legal/illegal drugs Agriculture- hybrid corn/ pigs grown with less fat-seedless fruit
Information/Communication Graphic Communication- computers Electronic communication-TV, VCR, DVD, PS2, CD’s Photographic communication- camera’s, camcorders, digital cameras
REASONS FOR STUDYING TECH Human progress is a result of technological development. Work, job opportunities and careers change because of technology. Daily routines are influenced by technology. Develop a general technological literacy to be able to make the right decisions and control technology. We create and use technology as a means of satisfying basic needs and wants.
TECHNOLOGICALLY LITERATE See how technology has changed over time. Think through a problem and come up with an answer. Decide whether a technology is good or bad Trade-off. Understand the newest uses of technology. Use the tools of technology to solve problems.
TRADE OFF The process or end result of reaching a workable compromise. (give and take)
AGRICULTURALLY BASED SOCIETY A society whose economic system is based upon products grown in the earth. 8000BC to AD1750
INDUSTRIAL BASE SOCIETY A society whose economy is based on Industry (factory system) AD
INFORMATION BASE SOCIETY A society whose economy is based on Information Technologies Present Computer Age