New Car Webquest Tech4Life Project Instructions
IntroductionIntroduction OK, you’re only in seventh grade, but someday you’ll want to drive and have the car of your dreams. Well car ownership is a big responsibility and it may take some work to get that car of your dreams. In this project you can get that car…well sort of. Let’s make your parents proud by being able to buy your own car and knowing what it will cost. Create a folder call “New Car Project” on your network drive (under your Tech4Life folder). Create sub folders to organize your work such as, brochure, eBay data (word Docs), Excel, PowerPoint, & Pictures…remember being organized will help you locate your files
Task – getting Down payment money Well you have $500 dollars in the bank, but you’ll need a minimum of $1500 for a down payment. Using eBay find a snowmobile (boat, motorcycle, golf cart…) that you can sell for $ $1500. go to this site
Task – getting Down payment money (Data Mining) Now start narrowing your search on the eBay page. Select Powersports tab and locate snowmobiles (or motor cycles, golf carts, boats, scooters…) Notice you’ll have hundreds of items to look at, continue to narrow your search On the left scroll down until you see a PRICE category, open it and give it a range of $500 to $1500, then click GO in that box. Notice your items are fewer Next locate the tab at the top of your items called “Buy it Now Only”, once again your item selection is smaller
Task – Using Print Screen Now that you have found your item to sell to raise more down payment money you’ll need to capture that information Open a blank MS Word document, minimize it. Looking at the first page of information on your eBay window select the “PRNT SCRN” key on your keyboard (upper right set of keys) Then open your Word doc and select paste (CTRL+V) to paste the screen shot into your Word document Scroll down on your eBay screen to get more information about your item, use “PRNT SCRN” again to copy, then paste it to your Word document. Save this file !!! You will need pictures of your item. Don’t save these to your Word doc! Select your pictures, then using the right mouse button –select “Save Picture As” place pictures into your picture folder under your new car project folder.
Task – Creating a brochure Using the information you collected about your item to sell Create a three panel brochure using MS Publisher Show all information to best advertise your motorsport item, this is your design, make it impressive Insert pictures you saved from eBay Insert a picture of yourself in the brochure, but PhotoShop it using filters to make it interesting Save this brochure (place it into your brochure folder) save them as jpegs as well to insert into your PowerPoint
Task – Finding Cars, more data mining Using the same method you used to locate your item to sell, you will now need to find four cars. o Car 1 will be your entry level car (beater) cost between $2500 & $5000 o Car 2 is a step up $ $10000 o Car 3 you’re getting a nicer ride $ $20000 o Car 4 your dream car price $$$ Save the data to a word doc for each car, and get as many pictures as possible (save these in your pictures folder)
Task – What’s it going to cost Using MS Excel and a loan calculator you will create a spreadsheet to display pertinent data about your cars Create your spreadsheet like the example below Monthly payment will come from Loan Calculator Remember Price – Down payment = Amount Financed To put this in your PowerPoint select all cells used then copy, open your PP and Paste CarYearMileagePriceDown Payment Amount Financed Monthly Payment Toyota Tercel $5250$1500$3750$121 Car 2 Car 3 Dream Car See Loan Calculator to Obtain this number
Task – What’s it going to cost –Loan calculator Go to the following site finance/monthly-loan-calculator.html for an auto loan calculator finance/monthly-loan-calculator.html Fill in the boxes with your autos information Vehicle Sales price = eBay “Buy it Now” price Down Payment = your $500 + item sales (should not be greater than $2000) Interest rate = 3.45% (national average at this time) Loan Term = 36 months Zip Code = Do not enter any other information Click on Calculate button to see monthly payment
Task – Presenting all of Your Data (PowerPoint) Create a PowerPoint presentation ( slides) that shows all of the work you have done (Brochure, Excel, All of your cars) Provide the following details about each car Year, Make (Chevy, Ford, Audi…), Model (Camaro, Mustang, TT…) Pictures (more the better) Cost to Own (include monthly payment) Pick one car (not your Dream Car), explain why you would buy this car For your Dream Car, fully explain why it is your favorite Use all of the Advanced PowerPoint features you have used to date (transitions, animations, adding sounds/music and video attaching)
Task – Wrapping it up Write a reflection paper for this project See instructions and rubric in School fusion See rubric for project in School Fusion Be prepared to present your PowerPoint (optional)