“In Him you have been made complete.” Col 2:10 Textual Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Colossians
Basic Outline – Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12 Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23 Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6 Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Within roles found in everyday life, each saint will demonstrate how complete he/she is because of Christ All the points in this section are also found in Ephesians, thus continuing the “Twin Epistle Comparison” Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Wives 3:18 – Be subject to your own husbands – This is “fitting” (proper) in the Lord – Eph 5:22-24, 33b 1 Pet 3:1-4
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Husbands 3:19 – Love your wives…do not be embittered against them (re: sacrificial love, service) – Eph 5:25-29, 33a 1 Pet 3:7
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Children 3:20 – Be obedient to your parents in all things – It is well pleasing to the Lord – Eph 6:1-3
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Fathers 3:21 – Do not exasperate (frustrate) your children – Typically via excessive, over-demanding – Causes them to lost heart Eph 6:4
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Slaves 3:22-25 – Obey your earthly masters in all things – Not just with “eye service” (to be seen) – With a sincere heart seen by the Lord
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Slaves 3:22-25 – Do work heartily as to the Lord, not to men – Disobedient slaves are justly punished – Eph 6:5-8 1 Pet 2:18-21 When this letter was read in the assembly Col 4:16… Who would have heard these words? ONESIMUS Col 4:9 Phlm 10-16
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live Masters 4:1 – Grant your slaves fairness & justice – Remember…you have a Master in heaven – Eph 6:9 When this letter was read in the assembly Col 4:16… Who would have heard these words? PHILEMON Phlm 17-18, 21
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Paul’s words in 4:2-6 seem to focus on how saints interact with outsiders He instructs the Colossians toward several activities all aimed at helping those outside the N.T. kingdom Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Instructions re: outsiders 4:2-6 Be devoted to prayer…“keeping alert in it with thanksgiving” v. 2 Specifically…prayer for his efforts in preaching the gospel through doors opened providentially vv. 3-4 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Instructions re: outsiders 4:2-6 Conduct yourselves with wisdom v. 5 Make the most of every opportunity Take advantage of setting the right example to those who watch you Mt 5: Pet 2:12 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 4:5 Eph 5:15-16 Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 4:5 Eph 5:15-16 Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Instructions re: outsiders 4:2-6 Speech filled with grace v. 6 “Seasoned as it were with salt…” Just as salt brings out flavor in food, the disciple’s speech should enhance his interactions with the lost Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Instructions re: outsiders 4:2-6 Speech filled with grace v. 6 Seasoned with appropriate language Pleasant to those who hear…we’ll know how to answer every man and “make our defense” 1 Pet 3:15 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
How Saints Are To Do It 3:1b – 4:6 In Their Human Relationships 3:18 – 4:6 Instructions re: outsiders 4:2-6 Speech filled with grace v. 6 This is another way we show how we are “Complete In Christ” Consider Judg 12:6 & Mt 26:73 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 4 – How “Complete Saints” Live
Seasoned Speech Col 4:6 Viewed “Negatively”Viewed “Positively” Not idle Mt 12:36 Not corrupt Eph 4:29 Not abusive Col 3:8 Not filthy or foolish Eph 5:4 No lying Eph 4:25 No cursing Jas 3:8-10 Sound Titus 2:8 Blesses Jas 3:10 Edifies Eph 4:29 Truthful Eph 4:25 Spoken in love Eph 4:
Basic Outline – Opening greetings & admonitions 1:1-12 Description of the Christ in Whom every man can be “complete” 1:13 – 2:23 Instructions on how those “complete” in Christ are to live 3:1 – 4:6 Closing personal remarks 4:7-18 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Some mentioned by name vv Tychicus vv. 7-8 He would inform the Colossians re: Paul A “beloved brother & fellow bondservant” He was an Asian Acts 20:4 [Ephesus] Most likely, he would carry this letter back to Colossae along with the letter to the Ephesian Christians Eph 6:21-22 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 4:7-8 Eph 6:21-22 As to all my affairs, Tychicus, our beloved brother and faithful servant and fellow bond-servant in the Lord, will bring you information. For I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts; But that you also may know about my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you. And I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may know about us, and that he may comfort your hearts.
“Twin Epistle” Comparison Col 4:7-8 Eph 6:21-22 As to all my affairs, Tychicus, our beloved brother and faithful servant and fellow bond-servant in the Lord, will bring you information. For I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts; But that you also may know about my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you. And I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may know about us, and that he may comfort your hearts.
Some mentioned by name vv Onesimus v. 9 He would travel with Tychicus He was a Colossian He was the runaway slave belonging to Philemon…Paul met him at Rome and sent him back Phlm 8-21 Probably carried the letter to Philemon Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv Aristarchus v. 10a A “fellow prisoner” with Paul…he had journeyed with Paul to Rome and became imprisoned Acts 27:2 A Macedonian from Thessalonica He had also suffered with Paul in the riot in Ephesus Acts 19:29 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv John Mark v. 10b He was with Paul on the 1st journey, only to abandon Paul & Barnabas when they got to Pamphylia Acts 13:5, 13 He returned with Paul & Barnabas after their benevolent trip to Jerusalem Acts 11: :25 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv John Mark v. 10b His abandoning Paul & Barnabas caused them to split Acts 15:36-39a Yet, Paul did not “hold a grudge” He is with Paul now…Paul also requests him later when he is in a Roman prison a 2nd time 2 Tim 4:11 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv John Mark v. 10b The only passage that informs us he was related to Barnabas Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv Justus (Jesus) v. 11 Nothing else is known Along with the previously-mentioned Aristarchus & John Mark, these 3 were the “…only fellow workers of the kingdom of God from the circumcision” (Jews) Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv Epaphras vv He was a Colossian who “…labored earnestly on behalf of Colossae” He was responsible for starting the church in Colossae 1:7 He had gone to Rome to inform Paul of some things re: the church 1:8 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv Epaphras vv He became imprisoned in Rome with Paul and could not return Phlm 23 Not only was he concerned for the brethren in Colossae, he also labored for the churches in Laodicea & Hierapolis v. 13 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv Luke v. 14a He was a physician who was with Paul He had traveled to Rome with Paul Acts 27:1ff Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv Demas v. 14b He was with Paul Paul mentions him as a “fellow laborer” in his personal letter to Philemon Phlm 24 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Some mentioned by name vv Luke & Demas v. 14 These 2 are also mentioned again at the close of Paul’s last letter 2 Tim 4:9-11a Luke was still faithful…only he remained with Paul at the very end Demas forsook Paul…he “loved the world” Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Final requests vv Greet the Laodiceans v. 15 Specifically, Paul mentions Nympha and the “church in her house” Could this mean she & her family hosted the Laodicean church in their home? Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Final requests vv Colossian & Laodicean letters v. 16 Paul wants this letter also read in the Laodicean church An unknown letter was coming from Laodicea…it was to be read in Colossae Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Final requests vv Exhortation to Archippus v. 17 “Take heed to your ministry…” Some have concluded that he was the son of Philemon, and that Apphia was his mother & Philemon’s wife Phlm 2 They hosted the Colossian church in their home Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Final requests vv A “personal greeting” v. 18 Written with Paul’s own hand Apparently the apostle’s practice whenever he wrote an epistle…he would dictate and then sign his name 1 Cor 16:21 2 Thess 3:17 Gal 6:11 Phlm 19 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Final requests vv A “personal greeting” v. 18 Paul’s signature would serve 2 purposes 1) Authenticate the letter…provide a safeguard against forgery 2) Add a “personal touch”…show apostolic affection Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18
Final requests vv “Remember my imprisonment” v. 18b He had already told them his sufferings were for their benefit 1:24 He had also already requested their prayers for his efforts while he was imprisoned 4:3 Complete In Christ Textual Studies In Colossians Lesson 5 – Closing Remarks 4:7-18