Warm Up From Home Work of Why does weather in the USA have an effect on weather in France? A Storms blown by winds travel East to France B Storms blown by winds travel West to France C Storms blown by winds travel North to France D Storms blown by winds travel South to France
2. Comparing and Contrasting weather, the major difference is what? A Location B Place C Region D Time E Movement
3. Weather is produced by the interaction of what factors? A Heat B Air pressure C Winds D Moisture E All
4. The major source of heat on the Earth is what? A Desert B Sun C Moon D Oceans E Comets
5. Which of the following statements is most correct about air pressure? A The higher the air presser the less dense the air. B The lower the air pressure the denser the air C The higher the air pressure the denser the air D The higher the air pressure the greater chance of a hurricane. E The density of the air has not effect on air pressure
6. Wind is caused by the differences in air pressure around the earth. A True B False
7. The amount of moisture in the air is called what? A Rain B Snow C Sleet D Relative humidity E Fog
8. What causes clouds to form? A Condensation B respiration C Evaporation D All E none
9. Which passage is the most correct definition of climate? A The average weather conditions of a region over an extended period of time B The extreme weather conditions of a region over an extended period of time C The high temperatures of a region over an extended period of time D All E None
10. Which of the following are the earths climate zones? A Polar B Temperate C Tropical D All E None
11. Jacksonville is located in what climate zone? A Polar B Temperate C Tropical D All