UNIT 5 : CULTURE Laney Skeen & Abigail Bollinger
WHAT MAKES UP CULTURE? Elements Clothes- light clothes (Egypt), Silk (China) Traditions- Christmas (religion) Languages- Hieroglyphics (Egypt) Sports- Mayan ball (Mayan) Houses- Mud Houses ( Britain before Rome invaded) Ethnic Group- African American (Africa) Religion- Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islamic Food- potatoes (Incas) Examples
CULTURAL DIFFUSION Cultural Diffusion is, The spread of ideas, inventions, and patterns of behavior from one group to another. EX: How the Greek culture influence the Roman culture in many ways, like how Romans used coulombs like the Greeks. How the Mayans influenced the Aztecs an Incas.
CULTURE CLASHES When people travel to explore different countries there is a big language barrier. Also you have to eat the food there supplied. Examples would be Laney and Abigail traveled to France to by special pastry's, there is a money and language barrier. Another example would be Jews fighting against Christians because they have different beliefs.