Unit 8 Listening Course (1)
Section One Part 1 Phonetics Ex. Complete the dialogue and pay attention to the link-ups, weak forms and contractions.
Exercise 1. for a 2. would you 3. stay in 4. and it’s 5. do you 6. we’ll do 7. all right if 8. that’s
Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Ex. B. Fill in the following table with relevant information ABCDEF No. of wheels How many people it carries To speed (in kph) Weight (in kilos) Price (in pounds) , , ,000 65, , ,000 /
Section 2 Part 1 Dialogues Dialogue 1 Have you Been to the Theatre Here? Ex. A Listen to the interview and answer the questions. 1. Where are they now? They are in London. 2. Where is the woman from? She is from the United States. 3. How long has she been here? She has been here for two and a half weeks.
Ex. B: Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. F 1. F. Plan to stay there for 3 weeks. 2. F. She also has been to a concert. (W: Oh, yes. Theatre, opera, concerts, the lot.) F 3. F. She has traveller’s cheques. (W: Tomorrow morning I’m going to cash some more traveller’s cheques.) T 4. T (W: I’ll come back next year if I can. If I have enough money left that is!)
Dialogue 2 Asking for Directions Ex. A. Listen to the dialogue and mark the places on the sketch map. How to get to the Regents Park? ① ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oxford Street ____ Baker Street ____ Baker Street Station ____ Regents Park ____ ① ② ③ ⑥
Ex. B. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences Ex. B. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences How to get to Piccadilly Circus? 1. Go straight along _____________. 2. ____ Bond Street. 3. Walk along the ____________ for about ___________ 4. You’ll come to a big____________. That’s ________________. Oxford Street Pass Bond Street 15 minutes. crossroads Piccadilly Circus
Notes: The British Museum Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, UK Type: Private - Not-for-Profit On the web: Employees: 1,047 The British Museum has a long history of chronicling the past. Founded in 1753, the British Museum is one of the world's premier cultural history museums, housing more than 7 million objects in its collection of artifacts. More than 4.5 million visitors each year come to see such ancient relics as the Rosetta Stone, the Elgin Marbles (also known as the Parthenon Marbles), and the Black Obelisk, as well as collections of African art, Chinese porcelain, artifacts from the Roman occupation of England, and much more from around the world.
The British Museum
Ex. Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. How to get to the British Museum? 1. The British Museum is in Oxford Street _____ Bloomsbury Way ____ Russell Street ____ Theobalds Road ____ Cross Grays Inn Road ___ √
2. The best way to get there is 2. The best way to get there is on walk ___ on walk ___ by bus ___ by bus ___ by taxi ___ by taxi ___ by tube ___ by tube ___ √
Section Two Listening Comprehesion Part 1 Passages Passage 1 Sleep and Language Learning Passage 1 Sleep and Language Learning Focus: Focus:
Notes: 1. hammer into : to force someone to understand by repeating 敲进 ( 强化理解, 灌输 ) They have had English grammar hammered into them. 他们强制自己反覆学习英语语法.
2. interval : a period between two events or times He comes back to see us at regular intervals. 他每隔一段时间就回来看看我们。 3. soothing : freeing from fear and anxiety; calm Her words had a soothing effect. 她的话起了安慰的作用。
4. lullaby: 4. lullaby: a quiet song that lulls a child to sleep a quiet song that lulls a child to sleep 5. lull: 5. lull: make calm or still; cause to feel sleepy make calm or still; cause to feel sleepy
Ex. Listen and choose the best answer 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. B
Passage 2 Marketplace Focus: Understanding of specific words used to depicts actions and market things. Understanding of sequence of events in a narration
Notes: 1. stall : a booth where articles are displayed for sale
2. wares : commodities offered for sale; goods 3. candlestick :
4. brush : v. touch lightly and briefly 5. patched : mended usually clumsily by covering a hole with a patch 6. scrupulously : extremely
7. clutch v. hold tightly 8. clearing : a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area 9. antics : a grotesque act done for fun and amusement 古怪滑稽的动作
10. stand : the position where a thing or person stands 11. gaze : look at with fixed eyes 12. chatter : make rapid speechlike sounds
13. ( violin) bow : 弓 14. dodge make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. 他闪身躲过了滚落的岩石,安然脱险了。
15. pursuit : n. the act of chasing 16. cart : a small wooden vehicle with 2 or 4 wheels and moved by hand 17. chase : go after with the intent to catch
18. uproar : a noisy state of confusion 19. crouch : sit on one's heels
20. huddle : crouch or curl up
Section Three News Items News Item 1 News Item 1 Focus: Focus: Violence—an bomb attack Violence—an bomb attack Outlining Outlining
Notes: 1. Ehud Barak: the former Prime Minister of Israel 2. Tel Aviv: the largest city and financial center of Israel; located in western Israel on the Mediterranean 特拉维夫 ( 以色列港市 )
Hebron: 希布伦 ( 即哈利勒 ) A city of the West Bank south-southwest of Jerusalem. Sacred to both Jews and Arabs as the home and burial place of Abraham and (to Jews) as King David's capital for seven years, the city has figured in every war in Palestine and has a history of Jewish-Arab violence. Occupied by Israel in 1967, Hebron came under Palestinian control in Population: 160,000.
Ex. B: Listen again and complete the outline Event: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Casualties:__________________________________________ Reaction of Israeli Prime Minister: ___________________________ ________________________________________________________ Reaction of Palestinian leader: ______________________________ ________________________________________________________ Reaction of President Bush: _______________________________ ________________________________________________________ A Palestinian man drove a bus into a crowd of Israelis at a bus stop south of Tel Aviv 8 Israelis have been killed and 20 other people were injured Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak called the attack a horrible crime. Palestinian leader Yesa Arafat said it may have been a road accident. He also said that Palestinians are against the violence and that the peace process must go forward. President Bush condemned the attack. He urged a return to calm between the Israel and the Palestinians.
Ex. A: Listen and complete the summary This news item is about an alleged bus attack that killed 8 Israelis.
News Item 2 Focus: Iraqi Issue
Notes: 1. allied: joined by political agreement 2. patrol: the activity of going around or through an area at regular intervals for security purposes 3. air raid: an attack by armed planes on a surface target
4. no-fly area 禁飞区 5. Saddam Hussein: Iraqi military and political leader who became president of Iraq in He waged war with Iran over a territorial dispute (1980–1988), and his invasion and occupation of Kuwait (1990) led to the Gulf War in He was deposed in a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Exercises A. Listen and complete the summary This news item is about United States and British efforts to enforce a no-fly area over southern Iraq. B. Listen again and choose the best answer. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A
News Item 3 Focus: Conflicts between Israeli troops and Palestinians
Notes 1. Gaza Strip: 加沙地带 A small strip of land between Egypt, Israel, and the Mediterranean Sea. Israel occupied it during the Six-Day War. Populated by Israelis and stateless Palestinians, it has been one of the scenes of the intifada ( 暴动 ). Arabs see it as part of a future Palestinian state.Egypt IsraelMediterranean SeaSix-Day Warintifada
A map of Gaza Strip
2. coalition: a union of different parties or groups 3. crisis: an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty 4. Likud: coalition of Israeli right-wing political parties 利库德集团 ( 以色列右翼党派的政治联盟, 长期为以色列执政党 )
Exercises A. Listen and complete the summary This news item is about the formation of a new government in Israel & the causes that lead to the violence in Middle East.
B. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true or false 1. F Violence between Israeli troops and Palestinian continued along the West Bank and Gaza strip on Friday. 2. T. 3. T. 4. T. 5. T 6. T