Ezekiel is a prophecy about Russia with a primarily middle-eastern alliance attacking Israel when Israel is at peace. The outcome is that God personally intervenes destroying Russia and the alliance. The Lord is explicit as to the purpose for His intervention; it is that they know that He is Lord. This exciting prophecy has a strong indication that nuclear weaponry is employed.
A. Ez – The Russian alliance attack on Israel and God’s intervention B. Dan. 2,7,9 – The seven year tribulation with the rise of the antichrist culminating with the Messiah’s return and defeat of the antichrist C. Zech. 14 – The second coming and millennium D. Matt – Signs of the end-times coming, the tribulation and second coming
E. I Thess. 4-5 – The rapture and day of the Lord (tribulation) F. II Thess. 2 – The rise of the antichrist G. II Pet. 3 – Mockers who deny Christ’s coming H. Rev – The tribulation, second coming, millennium and eternal state
1. vss: God’s proclamation that He is against the Russian confederacy and will divert their plan to conquer Israel 2. vss: The attack described 3. vss: Purpose of attack – plunder 4. vss: God’s purpose behind the battle 5. vss: God’s destroys the alliance so the nations will know that He is Lord.
1. vss: Detailed description of God’s judgment on Magog 2. vss: God’s purpose again restated: The nations shall know He is the Lord 3. vss: The aftermath of the war 4. vss: God’s purpose again restated 5. vss: The aftermath: Israel restored and blessed
1. Gog is best identified as the leader of Russia when this attack takes place 2. Magog is the land of Russia 3. Hesiod in the 7 th century B.C. identified Magog as the ancient Scythians and southern Russia. 4. The great wall of China was built to protect China from the Scythians 5. Magog can also be identified as that major nation north of Israel (vss 6,15)
1. Persia – Iran 2. Cush – Black Africa (Region of Africa to the south of the Sahara Desert) 3. Put – North Africa 4. Togarmah – Turkey
C. Today many think Russia as a “has been” nation. Many thought of Germany the same after WWI. Russia is in need of building an alliance and her best potential ally is the Islamic states, they have the money while Russia has the arms.
1. After many days 2. In the latter years 3. After the regathering 4. When Israel thinks it is living securely
1. Before the rapture 2. In the first half of the tribulation 3. The battle of Armageddon 4. At beginning of Millennium 5. At the end of the Millennium
1. Sword = Destroying instrument – 38:4 2. Bow = Launcher – 39:3 3. Arrow = Missile – 39:3
1. Earthquake – vss: God confuses the enemy to fight against one another – vs: Pestilence – vs: Natural disasters – vs: 22
1. Vss: will provide seven years of energy for Israel. In the past this passage didn’t make sense. How could the weapons of war provide energy for seven years? Today nuclear energy provides the resource that gives sense to the passage. Note: the self-life of nuclear weapons is seven years.
2. Vss: Clean- up operation describes a modern day procedure for a nuclear, biological and chemical war: a. Nowhere else in the Bible is such attention given to the aftermath of a war
b. Vs: 12 - It will take seven months to bury the dead c. Vs: 15 – If someone in the future stumbles upon the remains of a person that the clean up had missed, it is not to be touched. Rather it is to be marked and the professionals will dispose properly of it. 3. Vss: The birds and animals will feast of the alliances’ carcasses
A. It should be noted that though the armies are defeated, the nations from where they came are not. This leaves the possibility that they would raise other armies for the battle of Armageddon. B. God’s purpose in destroying the Alliance: 1. God is magnified, sanctified and made known that He is Lord – 38:23 2. Israel to know God protected her and God’s name will cease being profaned – 39:7,22 3. God is glorified – 39:21