U.S.’S ROLE IN THE MODERN WORLD 8.6 Summarize Americas role in the changing world, including the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the expansion of the European Union, the continuing crisis in the Middle East, and the rise of global terrorism.
A. FOREIGN POLICY IN MODERN US 1. Modern US foreign policy varies a. Conservatives (Republicans) – strong defense, willingness to use if necessary b. Liberals (Democrats) – emphasis on negotiation, willingness to cooperate 2. Fall of the Soviet Union a. Mikhail Gorbachev – last Premier of the Soviet Union 1) Glasnost – “openness” 2) Perestroika – economic restructuring b. Soviet Union suffering economic depression 1) Soviet Union’s war in Afghanistan 2) Inability to keep up with US in arms race c. Former Soviet buffer states gain independence a. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, etc.
3. US left as world’s only superpower a. Other countries look to US to help them – democracy b. This has also created anti-American feelings particularly in the Middle East 1) US support of Israel v. PLO a) Hijackings and bombings 2) US involvement in Iran/Iraq 3) Camp David Accords a) Peace treaty between Israel and Egypt b) organized by Pres. Jimmy Carter
3. Iran Hostage Crisis a. Iranian Islamic students seize control of the US embassy in Tehran, Iran b. 52 Americans held hostage for 444 days c. President Carter appears unable to resolve crisis d. Crisis ends when hostages are released minutes after Ronald Reagan sworn in 4. Lebanon 3. Terror attacks on US barracks 4. US soldiers killed
5. Persian Gulf War 5. Iraq invades Kuwait early 1990s 6. Saddam Hussein of Iraq wants to control Kuwaiti oil fields 7. US defends Kuwait mainly because of our dependence on their oil 6. Saudi Arabia 5. One of few US allies in Middle East 6. Many Arabs hate this relationship 7. Saudi Arabia allows US to build Air Force bases there 8. Saudi Arabia is the location from which nearly all US military efforts in the Middle East are coordinated
7. War on Terror a. Islamic fundamentalists in Middle East consider US involvement there as an attack on Islamic beliefs – “The Great Satan.” b. Terror Groups with Anti-US support 1) Al Qaeda – network throughout Asia and Europe 2) Taliban – Afghanistan 3) Osama Bin Laden a) Wealthy Saudi Arabian dedicates life to end US influence b) World Trade Center Bombing c) September 11, World Trade Center