Latin America 15.1 Inequities- dictators, wealthy landowners Mexican Revolution Huerta- Coup Pancho Villa Carranza nationalization Economic nationalism Local control of businesses- not foreign control Political nationalism rejected European ideas- led to authoritarian gov’ts Cultural nationalism Art- Diego Rivera Good Neighbor Policy
Africa and the Middle East 15.2 South Africa apartheid Racial Segregation Worse jobs Carry Passes Evicted from land Eliminated voting rights Resistance- ANC Pan-Africanism Negritude movement Turkey Ataturk Westernization Persia/Iran Reza Khan- Shah Westernization Impact of Treaty of Versailles Arab response to mandates? Palestine/Israel Balfour Declaration Zionist Movement Arab response?
India 15.3 Impact of the Amritsar massacre Gandhi Background Ahimsa- nonviolence Civil disobedience Goals -independence -end Caste system untouchables boycotts Salt March video massacre nonviolent resistance attack by British
China 15.4 Early 20 th Century Foreign imperialism Chinese responses May Fourth movement -westernize Marxist- Communist Mao Zedong Nationalist Movement Jiang Jieshi Chiang Kai-Shek Conflict between nationalists and Communists The Long March -impact Japanese invasions Rape of Nanking Nationalists and Communists united
Japan 15.5 Industry Military Modern vs. Traditional ideas Impact of the great depression - ultranationalists Return to traditional-military values Hirohito