„Time dilation and length contraction“ 1 Osvaldo Domann Einstein‘s first joke
2 Einstein’s SR is a perfect example of a classical theory that doesn‘t consider physical interactions of measuring instruments. The approach derives the transformation equations of SR making abstraction of the physical origin that makes speed of light equal in all relative moving inertial frames. The following Lorentz equation was used to link time and space between inertial frames v The LT equations between the frames and arrive to time dilation and length contraction, what is equivalent to say that time and length remain unchanged and that time unit (second) contract and length unit (meter) dilate. This violates fundamental principles of theoretical and experimental physics because units must be universally valid for all frames.
The proposed approach postulates absolute time and length for relative moving inertial frames. It assumes, that light with any speed that arrives to measuring instruments is absorbed by the atoms of the optical Lenses and electric antennae and then emitted with light speed relative to the frame of the instruments. This explains why always light speed is measured in the frame of the instruments. According to the authors „Emission & Regeneration“ Unified Field Theory particles are focal points of rays of Fundamental Particles (FPs) that extend from Infinite to infinite. FPs move with ligh or infinite speed and store the energy of the particles. The four speeds are independent speeds in a four dimensional coordinate system. 3 As the problem is of speed nature we write the Lorenz equation with speed variables. Focal point of rays of FPs moves with Fundamental Particles move with relative to Focal point. v
vvv From to with in the direction of the the LT equations for the proposed approach with speed variables are: where describes the non-linearity of the variables with the real speed of the particles in the frame which is according to Galilei relativity. Because of length invariance it ist for waves To derive transformation equations that take account of the behaviour of light in measuring instruments, a second transformation from the virtual frame to the real frame of the instruments is required. These two frames are firmly linked, and in light moves with light speed resulting for the frequencies The energies for photons in the frames are given by 4 v a) b) c) d)
5 All relevant relativistic equations derived with Einstein‘s SR can be derived with the proposed approach where space and time are absolute variables. 1) Relativistic linear momentum For a particle placed in the origin of with we get in multiplying with the rest mass and because the frames and are firmly linked with Equations for particles with v 2) Relativistic acceleration For a particle placed in the origin of with and and with we have v in the frame of the instruments according to Galilei relativity multiplied with according to Galilei relativity multiplied with
6 3) Relativistic energy For a particle placed in the origin of with we get in Multiplying with we get with and v 4) Energy density current For an energy density current in we get in and The number of particles N and the volumen dV are invariant between frames because space and the time are invariant. according to Galilean relativity multiplied with v
7 Relativistic Doppler effect For an electromagnetic wave moving with in we get in For the longitudinal relativistic Doppler effect we get No transversal Doppler effect exists Equations for electromagnetic waves (particles with ) what shaws that photons can move with speeds different than light speed. v Note: All particles between frames and follow Galilean relativity. Between frames and particles with are not influenced by the measuring instruments while particles with change to in frame Particles Galilei relativity for coordinates as speeds
„ Gravitation as spacetime curvature “ 8 Einstein‘s second joke
With the elimination of time and space distortion General Relativity is not more valid. A new mechanism for gravitation is introduced based on the „Emission & Regeneration“ UFT which explains gravitation as the reintegration of migrated electrons and positrons to the core of their nuclei. Nuclei are composed of electrons and positrons. The momentum between electrons and positrons is given by the cross product of the longitudinal angular momenta of regenerating FPs. For d=0 the cross product is zero and so the momentum, what explains why particles with equal charge can coexist in nuclei without repelling each other (no gluons are required). 9 Nuclei core Coulomb Migrated electrons or positrons are reintegrated to the core or expulsed form nucleus.
Gravitation between two neutrons due to aligned and parallel reintegration of migrated BSPs Newton and Ampere components of gravitation force 10 Newton component Ampere component Nuclei core Neutrons are composed of electrons and positrons
Total gravitation force due to the reintegration of BSPs Induction +Ampere gravitation laws 11 For galactic distances the Newton component can be neglected and explains: with a positive sign the flattening of galaxie‘s speed curve without the need of dark matter with a negative sign the expansion of galaxies without the need of dark energy. Ampere component Newton component
v Experimental data that don‘t fit with the SM v Define fictious entity based on the experimental data v Make SM consistent with new fictious entity as good as possible v Invent justifications for remaining Paradoxes and contradictions v Become used over the years to the fictious entity and contradictions v Glorify and idolize the fictious entity and ist creators v Experiments showing indirectly data that led to the def. of the fictious entity v Prove that fictious entity really exists Particle wave Gluons Gravitons Dark matter Dark Energy Time dilation Space contraction Higgs Etc. Fictious entities of the SM Fallacy used to conclude that the existence of fictious entities is experimentally proven (killing argument) Wrong Right 12 Duality principles Equivalent principles Uncertainty principle Helpmates of the SM Biggest impediment for scientific progress
General conclusions SR and GR are theories derived from an approach where the fundamentals of theoretical and experimental physics are violated, which define units as invariant and universally valid for all reference systems. The result is a theory that is not only irrational and therefor not understandable, but also induces scientists to explain experimental data with fictious concepts avoiding the search for the real physical interactions behind experimental data. The proposed approach ist based on a model where particles are focal points of rays of FPs that extend over the whole space. The result is a theory with absolute time and space. The speeds obtained with the LT are virtual speeds that allow the calculation of the magnitudes that are non linear functions of the real speeds, which follow Galilei relativity. The problems of our SM come from the point-like representation of particles which makes it difficult to describe interactions between these points. With the representation of particles as focal points of rays of FPs that extend over the whole space, interaction between particles through their FPs results as a natural concequence. 13
14 -Flattening of galaxie´s rotation curve -Expansion of galaxies -Sagnac experiment -Haefele-Keating experiment -Thirring-Lense effect -Precession of the Perihelium -Prercession of a gyroscope in the precense of a massive body. The following effects and experiments, where relativity and gravitation is involved, were already successfully derived with the proposed approach: Conclusions about light in a gravitation field. - Light only looses energy in a gravitation field shifting to red frequencies. - Light is not bend by a gravitation field. Light is bend in the plasma rim of the sun. - The Shapiro effect is because of reduced speed in the plasma rim of the sun. Quantum mechanics With a physical model for gravitation as “Reintegration of migrated electrons and Positrons to their nuclei”, instead of a fictious model as derived by Einstein, it should now be possible to integrate gravitation into quantum mechanics.
15 Thank you for your attention, The complete work is available at Osvaldo Domann