Second World Congress of Agroforestry Nairobi, Kenya, August 2009 Session 31A : Rewards for Environmental Services of Agroforestry Second World Congress of Agroforestry Nairobi, Kenya, August 2009 Session 31A : Rewards for Environmental Services of Agroforestry Private and Social Values derived from a Tunisian cork oak agroforestry production system Hamed Daly-Hassen and Ameur Ben Mansoura INRGREF, Tunisia
Outline Introduction Objectives Methods Results Conclusions
Introduction : The Cork Oak Forest The second most important forest cover in Tunisia, and one of the world’s hot spots in biodiversity conservation. Lack of clearly defined property rights Main activities : cork stripping, livestock grazing, fuelwood collection Animal production insures more than half of the household’s income (Chebil & al. 2008).
Failure to consider full economic values Farmers and local forest users maximize their current commercial incomes from an intensive use of natural resources at present (subsistence economy) Costs of degradation are not considered Non market benefits and off site effects are not usually considered Need for compromises in order to maximize the social values and benefits.
Objectives To compare between private and social values generated by the Tunisian cork oak forests. Assess the external costs associated with the resulting forest degradation. Value the environmental services provided by the country’s cork oak forests. To identify appropriate economic instruments for the purpose of attaining greater sustainability of forest management.
Methods : Private Benefits (PB) vs Social Benefits (SB ) PB : Benefits to public owner + Consumption by local population of common resources at low or no price (semi public goods) SB : Gains which accrue to the Tunisian society which is wholly affected by the cork oak production and consumption of private and local benefits.
Private Economic Value (PEV) vs. Social Economic Value (SEV) PEV = PB - PC With: PB = Private Benefts, and PC = Private Costs Wheras : SEV = (PB + EB) – (PC + EC) With: PB and PC as above, and EB = External Benefits, and EC = External Costs
Benefits generated by the use of the Cork Oak Agroforestry System BenefitStakeholders Forest products and services Private benefits (PB FA )Government Cork (C), Fuelwood sales (Fs), Hunting fees (H), Mushrooms (Mu), and Myrtle (My) Private benefits (PB LU )Local forest users Acorns (A), Grazed forage (Gf), Fuelwood collected (Fc), Snails (S), and Honey (H) External benefits (EB)Tunisian society and global community Recreation (R), Prevention of erosion (Pe), Carbon sequestration (Cs), Biodiversity conservation (Bc)
Costs related to the use of Cork Oak Agroforestry System CostStakeholders Forest products and services Private costs (PC FA ) Government Management costs (Mc), Degradation of forest cover (Dfc) Private costs (PC LU ) Local usersReduced forage potential (Rfp), Costs of firewood collection (Cfc) External costs (EC) Tunisian society and global community Erosion due to forest degradation (Efd), Carbon emissions (Ce), loss of recreation opportunities (Lro), biodiversity degradation (Bd).
Linking Cork Oak Production to Social Benefits
Linking Cork Oak Forest Degradation to Social Costs
Valuation techniques Goods and services Market price Cork, fuelwood, hunting, mushrooms, snails, myrtle and honey. Residual value issued from production account of livestock husbandry Forage grazing and acorns. Value of changes in production Overgrazing, degradation of forest cover and erosion Shadow priceCarbon sequestration Benefit transferRecreation Opportunity costBiodiversity conservation
Resu lts : I. Private Benefits (PB) Private benefits attained $96.8 / ha. Equally distributed among the State (forest owner) and the local population.
Results : II. Private Costs (PC) Private costs attained $ 33.4 / ha. The overuse of common resources results in the induced private costs.
Results : III. External Benefits (EB) External benefits estimate was $ 24.9 /ha.
Results : IV. External Costs (EC) Total external cost : $ 7/ha.
Results : V. Private Benefits (PB) and Social Benefits (SB) Forest benefits are underestimated when ES are not considered Degradation induces high social costs.
Conclusions (I) ◦ Market failure factors are mainly due to the lack of exchange prices. Need to develop a National Accounting System ◦ Economic valuation is a key issue for the use of appropriate economic instruments Each product and service should be well measured Service providers and users should be well identified
Conclusions (II) Payment for environmental services : ◦ Involvement of downstream water users. ◦ More resources are needed from the global community concerned by carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. Compensation for loss of income. ◦ Comparison with the cost of degradation. ◦ It can be fully covered by the resource rent.
Private and Social economic could be enhanced by a sustainable use ($/ha) through compensation ($/ha, 2005) Farmers better off: more profit from sustainable use Public owner and society are better off: avoid higher loss from current practice