Cosmology -- the Origin and Structure of the Universe Cosmological Principle – the Universe appears the same from all directions. There is no preferred location. (The physical laws apply to the whole Universe). Is there a preferred time ?
The Distance – Redshift Relation (Hubble Law) The Distribution of Matter – Large Scale Structure Implications of the finite velocity of light Consequences of star birth and death
Cosmological models -- “world views” How we perceive our Universe and our relation to it Historical models -- geocentric heliocentric galactocentric By mid 20 th century -- 3 models or theories Big Bang -- Father LeMaitre, George Gamow Oscillating Universe Steady State -- Fred Hoyle Early 21 st century – Big Bang cosmology firmly established
3 degree background radiation or cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB)
Subsequent work -- numerous measurements, balloon, satellites COBE WMAP
The Big Bang -- the standard model – 15 x 10 9 yrs
The Early Universe – the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) Deepest exposure with HST 10 consecutive days, 342 exposures, Reaching > 30 th mag
Small irregular galaxies - among first objects Glow from first stars ?
Other considerations -- the critical density of matter, finite or infinite ? and the shape of space
Type Ia supernovae, the accelerating Universe and dark energy