In The Name of God
Instructional Media
4 Anxiety of staff : Select : 1-Task factor 2- learner factor 3- Economic/ Available Known Correcting Function Best Alone Media Related to Goals Media Related to Teaching Method
5 Simple and Economic Special Concepts and Students Weakness and Strength Related to Reality Real Pictures Real Tools
6 First: Direct Second: Vision &Auditory Tertiary: Symbols
7 General guidelines Use text Sparingly. Key Word Outline, not a Narrative. Maximum of six points per slide Seven words per point Introduce the Pointer at the time it's needed, then remove it. Display a slide when it reinforces what you're about to discuss.
8 Slide absorbed by the audience, remove it from screen : By blackout effect (" B" on keyboard). If you have more to say and you're not ready to- - display the next slide. Use meaningful graphics. If you're talking about people, show their pictures.
9 Teaching suggestions Open a blank slide and type and classroom discussion
10 Presentation suggestions Room lights as bright as possible; high- intensity projectors, a dark room is not necessary. Face your audience, not the screen. Rehearse your presentation. Test your presentation on the actual computer to be sure it will work.
11 Color Usage Against a dark background, the best color to use for text is green white red Use red when you want to suggest excitement a peaceful, quiet mood
12 Colors in your presentation may affect various cultures have little effect on the message Avoid using red and green next to each other because they tend to clash color-blind people can't distinguish between red and green color-blind people can't distinguish between red and green
13 Blue is often used as a slide background color because it's the color of the sky it suggests tranquility
14 Simple multimedia Multimedia fun
15 Over head (face to face, darkness, available) Opaque (……….) Slide projector (………..) Visualizer (advance, mix instrument, …..….) White board Video projector (computer, video & film, visualizer )
16 With thanks