The last 10 days of Ramadan Spend these days with Your Family!
Have iftar with your family If you've spent Iftar time on weekdays in your cubicle at work alone with a couple of dates, now is the last few days you'll have this Ramadan to spend with your family. Use it wisely.
One of the things that the family can do together during these last 10 days is to attend the taraweeh at the Masjid Take the time to explain to your wives and children the virtues of praying behind the Imam at the Masjid. Teach them the etiquettes of the Mosque and how the Masjid is the house of Allah Explain how even though women are rewarded more for prayer in their home, it is still good to go to the mosque every now and then to get the reward of being around other Muslims
A good night to take your family to the Masjid would be the one of completion of the Quran Almost all Masjids where the Imam aims to finish an entire reading of the Quran in Tarawih prayers in Ramadan will be completing their recitation in these last ten nights. They may try to end on one of the odd nights Attend this particular night's Tarawih prayer with your family. See if you can attend different Masjids' Tarawih prayers the night they finish reading the Quran.
Read books on the life of the Prophet with your family during these days Reading about the Prophet's life can increase your love for him and Islam by seeing how much he struggled for Allah's sake. It may also inspire you to push yourself to become the best Muslim that you can be Spend every night after the breaking of the fast with your family teaching them some of the struggles and accomplisments of our Prophet Discuss with them how you too as a family can become more like him during the year
Make a Family to do List Make a “Family to do list” for things you would like to accomplish over the next year as a family This can include vacations as well as home projects and even surahs of the Quran to learn Be sure to set small goals and to prioritize Let your family know that the night of Qadr is the night that Allah shares all upcoming yearly events with the angels and perhaps your goals are included! Next ramadan check to see if your list was included
Also set a “To do list” for the night of power Make a to do checklist for each Night of Power. This should define how you would like to spend your night Pick things from this list and define the sequence you would like to do things in. This will help you avoid wasting your time