Define natural product or secondary metabolite. Explain why marine organisms produce natural products. Recognize the importance of marine natural products in various industries. Recognize the diversity of organic molecules. Distinguish between inorganic and organic compounds in terms of carbon content. Define hydrocarbons. Recognize the ability of carbon to form chains and make rings. Name straight chain organic compounds (alkanes: methane through decane, including formulas). Recognize alkenes and alkynes, carboxylic and alcohol functional groups. Recognize the role of organic compounds as polymers and biological compounds.
"More than Meets the Mouth"
What is a natural product? ● Natural products are chemical compounds made by a plant, animal, or microorganism. ● Natural products are often called secondary metabolites, because they are chemicals that are not essential for life. ● Primary metabolites are those chemicals that are essential for the life of the organism: growth, development and reproduction.
In an aquatic environment, many organisms cannot move quickly, if at all,to flee predators. In addition, there is competition for space. Sponges, corals and other organisms synthesize natural products to: 1. Defend themselves against predators; 2. Prevent other animals from moving into their space; 3. Find a mate; and, 4. Protect themselves from infections.
Water covers 70 percent of our planet and provides a rich, untapped environment for organisms producing novel compounds that can be studied and isolated for use in: ● pharmaceutical medicines, ● other biomedical applications, ● the food industry, ● agricultural products, and ● cosmetic products.
Squalamine is a chemical compound isolated from the liver and stomach of the Spiny Dogfish. Squalamine shows activity against tumors and is currently being studied as a potential drug. It is also sold as a dietary supplement to support the immune system. C 34 H 65 N 3 O 5 S
A chemical called pseudopterosin was isolated from a Caribbean soft coral species called a sea whip (Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae). ● The pseudopterosins have been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties and are presently used as an additive in some of Estèe Lauder’s products to prevent skin irritation.
Chitin is a substance harvested from the shell of the horseshoe crab: it is a flexible, glue-like material that holds the shell together. Chitin is a polymer, a polysaccharide, which is a large molecule consisting of smaller molecules strung together like a long chain. It is synthesized from molecules of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Chitin is used in medical supplies (sutures, sponges, artificial blood vessels), water filtration systems, cosmetics (nail polish, powders, moisturizers, creams, toothpaste), and agriculture. Chitin is a polymer
What is an organic substance? Organic substances are carbon-based compounds often obtained from natural or living sources; however, a carbon-based substance is considered organic regardless of its source. In organic molecules, the atoms are held together with covalent bonds. Because carbon can make up to four bonds, it is diverse and can form millions of molecules from simple structures including rings and chains. Dolastatin 10 from a sea hare Sea Hare This compound, Dolastain 10, is found in a Sea Hare. Why is it considered an organic compound?
A hydrocarbon is a molecule that contains only carbon and hydrogen. There are three types of hydrocarbons: ● alkanes ● alkenes ● alkynes ● Alkanes (C n H 2n+2 ): hydrocarbons that contain only single bonds. ● Alkenes (C n H 2n ): hydrocarbons that contain only double bonds. ● Alkynes (C n H 2n-2 ): hydrocarbons that contain only triple bonds.
Number of CarbonsPrefix OneMeth- TwoEth- ThreeProp- FourBut- FivePent- SixHex- SevenHept- EightOct- NineNon- TenDec- GroupSuffixExample Alkanes-aneEthane Alkenes-eneEthene Alkynes-yneEthyne
● Functional groups are specific groupings of atoms that are responsible for the characteristic behavior of a molecule. ● The table lists common functional groups of organic molecules. ● Classify the functional groups listed in the table to the right as internal or terminal.
Science Catalyst live show: Chemistry, Organic molecules
The above structure represents the compound Discodermolide-isolated from the sponge Discodermia dissoluta. Discodermolide is an organic compound that is currently under evaluation to assess its cancer fighting properties. Identify the functional groups present in Discodermolide. Discodermolide
Organic molecules found by Hubble on extrasolar planet
What is a natural product or secondary metabolite? List four reasons that marine organisms produce natural products. What are some industries that use marine natural products? Give one example. Why are organic molecules numerous and diverse, and what are some sources of organic molecules? What is the distinguishing characteristic of an organic compound? What is a hydrocarbon, and what are the three classes of hydrocarbons? Name the alkanes, 1 through 10, and give their formula. What are the distinguishing characteristics of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, carboxylic and alcohol functional groups? What is a polymer?