Engaging New Lawyers in Pro Bono Service 7 th Pro Bono Stakeholders’ Round Table University of Calgary Downtown – November 7, 2013 Matthew Huys (403)
Overview 1.The benefits and challenges of pro bono work for new lawyers –Personal benefits of participating in pro bono work –Professional benefits of participating in pro bono work –Challenges of pro bono work for new lawyers 2.Engaging new lawyers in pro bono work –Understanding what motivates new lawyers to participate in pro bono work –Factors that may prevent a new lawyer from participating –Finding pro bono work that is right for new lawyers –The importance of the firm culture –Using firm contacts to recruit new lawyers
Benefits of Pro Bono Work There are numerous personal and professional benefits for new lawyers who build pro bono work into their practice Personal benefits include: –getting to do the right thing –making a difference in someone’s life –immediate results –personal fulfillment
Benefits of Pro Bono Work Professional benefits include: –hands on training –invaluable advocacy experience –lead counsel experience –building a profile and professional contacts –challenging abilities and thinking –learning to be creative –fulfilling ethical duties
Challenges of Pro Bono Work The biggest challenge of pro bono work for new lawyers is managing other time commitments in their practice High billable hour requirements may discourage an associate from taking on pro bono work There may be an expectation that client work takes priority over pro bono work
Challenges of Pro Bono Work Other challenges facing new lawyers include: –lack of structured programs providing support and supervision for pro bono work; –perception that their skills cannot be applied to pro bono work (particularly for corporate lawyers); and –lack of awareness of opportunities for pro bono work.
Engaging New Lawyers Understanding what motivates new lawyers to participate Understanding what drives new lawyers to participate in pro bono work can assist with recruitment Important to recognize that some new lawyers are eager to participate in pro bono work, while others may need convincing Helpful to tailor recruitment efforts to recognize this distinction
Engaging New Lawyers Understanding what motivates new lawyers to participate Where a new lawyer is reluctant to engage in pro bono work, emphasizing the professional benefits of pro bono work may convince them to participate More than ever, pro bono work may be necessary for new lawyers to separate themselves in a competitive legal market Where a new lawyer is reluctant to participate, it is helpful to tailor the benefits to the type of law the new lawyer practices: –litigation associates: advocacy experience, drafting pleadings, client interaction, trial experience, etc. –corporate associates: opportunity to sit on a board, meet potential clients, etc.
Engaging New Lawyers Factors that may prevent a new lawyer from participating Where a new lawyer recognizes the value of pro bono work, the biggest challenges in engaging them in pro bono work are likely: –not having the time to engage in pro bono work due to their other time commitments; –perception that they don’t have the skills to deal with pro bono matters (i.e. family or criminal matters); and –lack of awareness of opportunities for pro bono work.
Engaging New Lawyers Finding pro bono work that is the right fit for new lawyers Programs that are tailored to the time constraints of new lawyers and their skill sets may overcome some of these challenges (e.g. Civil Claims Duty Counsel) Even minor involvement in a pro bono program may lead to greater involvement of the lawyer in pro bono work in the future Flexible volunteer options (volunteering on evenings or weekends) can assist new lawyers in juggling their other time commitments Providing training may alleviate concerns new lawyers have about not having the skills for a pro bono matter For some new lawyers, however, pro bono opportunities will have to be in line with what they are comfortable with (e.g. some solicitors will be unwilling to attend court)
Engaging New Lawyers The importance of the firm culture Many new lawyers are more likely to participate in pro bono work if there is a culture of pro bono work within their firm Many of the challenges faced in recruiting new lawyers are alleviated where: –pro bono work counts toward billable hour targets; –pro bono work is valued the same as other client work; and –support and supervision is provided to new lawyers engaging in pro bono work. Some of the most valuable and needed work may be very time consuming (child custody disputes, immigration hearings, legal issues with charities, etc.), which is why firm buy-in is necessary Encourage firms to adopt a formalized pro bono program internally, and obtain buy-in from senior lawyers
Engaging New Lawyers Using firm contacts to recruit new lawyers Using a network of contacts within firms to assist in recruitment efforts can be a very effective way to engage new lawyers in pro bono work Use current volunteers and other contacts to distribute requests to lawyers within their firm New lawyers are more likely to volunteer where they receive a request from a current member of the firm The contact can send the request to new lawyers with the right set of skills or interests, and also emphasize the benefits of the pro bono work in a way that will be effective in recruiting the volunteer The contact may also be instrumental in obtaining buy-in from senior firm personnel