AGU/EGU/GSA/ Geoinformatics/VOiG meetings Earth and Space Science Informatics Events/ Participation
EGU ‘ESSI’ Pre-meeting in Potsdam (Bernd) April sessions - alert the people that you know will attend? Identify other EGU divisions to talk to - who? No eGY booth - perhaps we co-opt? eGY flyers, other advertising Town Hall - at lunch on Thursday of EGU –Need people to participate –Ideas for TH format Planning for 2008
Geoinformatics 2007 May 17-18, in San Diego - Cal IT2 Talks and poster sessions eGY posters, booth? Demos?
AGU/ESSI Spring 07 eGY showcase demos, booth, what else? Fall 07, booth - session ideas? Spring 08, booth (in Canada?) Fall 08, booth
GSA Geoinformatics Annual meeting in October in Denver - what should we do? Booth? Advertising? Need volunteers!!
Interested in Getting Involved? Submit an abstract/paper for a coming meeting Help convene a session Contact: