Freshwater INNS; Rivers Trusts and the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Rob Collins
Briefly describe the work of the RT movement in tackling FINNS Introduce the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Highlight the opportunities for collaborative working and exchange of ideas between LAGs and RTs; and LAGs and the newly formed catchment partnerships
45 Rivers Trusts in England & Wales 2 Rivers Trusts in NI 25 Trusts in Scotland – RAFTS Catchment-based > 100 technical specialists > 10,000 active volunteers > 16,000 supporters Active in every WFD River Basin District Introduction to the Rivers Trust movement
Rivers Trusts are heavily involved in tackling INNS
Total funding secured by RTs for tackling INNS was £3.5 million between 2005 and % of this was directly contributed by trusts themselves. Since 2010, a further £1.5 million has been secured for projects in Scotland (to 2014)
Development of biosecurity plans; a means to stimulate, coordinate and prioritise local action for Freshwater INNS; provide a framework
Mapping and Recording distribution of FINNS Action on the ground
FINNS Aware – EU LIFE+ Bid 2013 Bid to LIFE+ under the Information & Communication Strand The Rivers Trust, Canal & Rivers Trust, Norfolk County Council, Angling Trust, Inland Fisheries Ireland Programme of communication and awareness raising Supported by biosecurity planning tools, education and guidance, empower a range of stakeholders to take collective action to identify, prevent, control and eradicate FINNS Passed the first round, failed at the second. Awaiting feedback before determining Plan B
Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Defra/EA initiative to drive the establishment of catchment partnerships, nationwide, each encompassing a wide range of stakeholders Encourage collaborative working to capture local knowledge and ensure coordinated action to address issues relating to freshwater Development of catchment plans, with information feeding into WFD RBMPs.
100 partnership hosts established in England including cross-border with Wales National CaBA support group established Training and support projects, e.g. GIS training Potential in 2014/15 FY for a greater focus on FINNS, including training Synergies between CaBA partnerships and LAGs