The Strong Truths About Loyola
What are you most looking forward to? 1. Academics 2. Social life 3. Being on my own 4. Residence hall living 5. Getting involved 6. Athletic events 7. Making new friends 8. Experiencing Baltimore
What are you most worried about? 1. Meeting your roommate 2. Leaving home 3. Missing friends and family 4. Classes will be hard 5. Fitting in 6. Finances 7. Staying healthy
Loyola Students
PreppyWealthy Party/bar school NY/NJCatholic Private high school Smart
The story we tell
Loyola 1 st Year Students Extra- curricular activities 60% Attend athletic events 90% Community service 90% Socialize off- campus and don’t drink 85% Engage with faculty outside the classroom 90% Attend programs of an intellectual nature 60%
Story 1Story 2
How many times per week do typical Loyola 1 st Year students drink? Don’t drink 1 times or less 2 times 3 times or more
Loyola 1 st Year Students – drinking frequency Think About It
What is the average number of drinks consumed per occasion by Loyola 1 st Year MEN WHO DRINK? 1-3 drinks 4-6 drinks 7 or more drinks
What is the average number of drinks consumed per occasion by Loyola 1 st Year WOMEN WHO DRINK? 1-3 drinks 4-6 drinks 7 or more drinks
76 LUM 1 st year students Mean # of drinks consumed Think About It
How frequently does the typical Loyola 1 st year student use marijuana Does not use A few times per year A few times per month Weekly
Marijuana Use Loyola University Student Survey2016 New Student Survey
What are the top 3 stressors for Loyola 1 st Year students? Social relationships Academics Choosing a major/career Personal health Family problems Finances Romantic relationships
Stressors and resources Academics Academic Support Services The Study Faculty office hours Choosing major/career path The Career Center The Counseling Center Faculty Finances Financial Aid Counseling Center Work Study/Direct Hire Career Center
Incoming students overestimate the sexual activity of FEMALE Loyola students Class of 2020 PERCEPTION REALITY 7% believe the typical Loyola female has had 0 sex partners (past school year) 42% of Loyola 1 st year females report having 0 sex partners (past school year) 2016 New Student Survey Think About It
Incoming students overestimate the sexual activity of MALE Loyola students Class of 2020 PERCEPTION REALITY 3% believe the typical Loyola male has had 0 sex partners (past school year) 33% of Loyola 1 st year males report having 0 sex partners (past school year) 2015 New Student Survey Think About It
Incoming students overestimate the sexual activity of FEMALE Loyola students Class of 2020 PERCEPTION REALITY 38% believe the typical Loyola female has had 3+ sex partners (past school year) 5% of Loyola 1 st year females report having 3+ sex partners (past school year) 2015 New Student Survey Think About It
Incoming students overestimate the sexual activity of MALE Loyola students Class of 2020 PERCEPTION REALITY 65% believe the typical Loyola male has had 3+ sex partners (past school year) 111% of Loyola 1 st year males report having 3+ sex partners (past school year) 2015 New Student Survey Think About It
Student sexual behaviors remain consistent pre- and post- matriculation
Community Standards and Consequences of Use Conduct sanctions Reporting to parents and faculty advisors Implications for involvement, leadership, and study abroad Personal consequences Legal consequences
Academic success Work on- campus Club Sports Intramurals Athletic events Academic engagement Study hours Office hours Lectures Leadership Service Spirituality Healthy substance use behaviors Academic success at Loyola is related to other “outside the classroom” behaviors Loyola University Student Survey
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