Introduction Do you know how many UNESCO sites are in France? Which ones are the most visited and why? What makes a site being part of the World Heritage list?
What is a World Heritage site? “Places on Earth that are of outstanding universal value to humanity and such are protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy”. Raised international awareness Protection Financial assistance Expert advice for the conservation of site. Cultural, natural and mixt sites.
The sites in France and French territories 39 sites total 35 cultural 3 natural 1 Mixt 36 on French territory 1 in Corsica 1 in Ile de la Reunion 1 in New Caledonia
Cultural Site #1: Mont-Saint-Michel et sa baie (1979) 8 th century AD Monastery/pilgrimage Prison Accessibility during low tide. “Tie is as fast as a galloping horse” Restaurants, shops and hotels on the island.
Cultural site #2 Palais et Parc de Versailles (1979) South west of Paris Louis XIV, XV and Louis XVI Symbol of the “Ancient Regime”/Royalty Les Jardins Gardens by landscaper Le Nôtre Gallerie des glaces/Hall of mirrors. Central gallery of the Palace.
Cultural Site #3 Paris, Rives de la Seine Bank of the Seine Main monuments and historical bridges Rive Gauche/Rive Droite Ile de la Cité linked by « Le Pont Neuf ». Les Bouquinistes
Cultural Site #4 Place Stanislas, Nancy Ordered by Stanislaw King of Poland for his future Son in Law, Louis XV City Hall = “Hotel de Ville” is situated on the plaza.
Cultural Site #5 Grottes de la vallée de la Vézère. Grotte de Lascaux discovered in 1940 The original and the replica, “Lascaux 2” 1983
If time permits Can you name these sites?
Vocabulary A site= un site To visit = visiter A guided visit = une visite guidée A map = une carte The schedule = Les horaires Open = ouverture Close = fermeture Holidays = vacances An island = une Ile A road = une route King = Roi Queen = Reine Gardens = Jardins Plaza = Place Cave = grotte Volcano = Volcan
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