Human Resource Management College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston © 2008 William Holmes 1
Contractual versus Common Law Requirements Discipline Grievance Handling Ombudspersons Employee Status Changes 2
Employees at Will Independent Contractors Contractual Employees Implied Contracts and Personnel Policies 3
1. Establish Standards and Rules 2. Communicate Standards and Rules 3. Document Performance 4. Compare Performance to Standards and Rules 5. Take Appropriate Disciplinary Action 4
Hot Stove Rule—Equal Outcomes Progressive Disciplinary Action—Conditional Outcomes Discipline without Punishment 5
1. Lack of training 2. Fear of no management support 3. Fear of comparisons with other managers 4. Guilt 6
5. Loss of friendship 6. Time loss in disciplining 7. Loss of Temper by manager 8. Rationalization of conflict avoidance 7
Alleged Violation of Obligations by Employer Informal Discussion/Negotiation with Supervisor and Union Written Notice of Grievance to Supervisor and Union Formal Discussion of Employer, Union, and Employee Mediation/Arbitration/Litigation 8
1. Determination of facts 2. Identification of rule/requirement violated 3. Statement of negative consequences of violation 4. Identification of prior violations 5. Statement of future consequences of reoccurrence 6. Written documentation 9
Allows informal resolutions Allows confidentiality Allows neutral party involvement Allows alternative dispute resolution strategies Requires real authority 10
Termination Demotion Transfer Suspension Promotion Voluntary Resignation and Constructive Firing Retirements 11