Military Outreach for Service Training Conference Dec. 14, 2015 Program of Events
Welcome and Announcements Presenter: Ray Pratt O President, Military Outreach for Service; O Project/building manager with AWSS-FMSS O Retired from the Army in 2005 with over 20 years of service O O Desk: O Cell: December14, 2015 Military Outreach for Service2
Ground Rules O Mute your mics O Practice professional courtesy O Confidentiality O Respect others O Speak for Yourself O Participate ask questions O Use the Feedback squares in the upper right O Through audio when prompted O Using the Q/A tool in Live Meeting O Use Office Communicator for side chats December 14, 2015 Military Outreach for Service3
Conference Agenda O National Anthem O Welcome and Announcements – Ray Pratt O Ground Rules O Bio’s of Presenters – Carol Permar O Resiliency – Tina Smith O Navigating through IRS Job Opportunities – Nicole Salazar O Closing Remarks and Poll for next Conference – Carol Permar O Closing -- MOS President December 14, 2015 Military Outreach for Service4
National MOS Announcements O Membership O O Meeting of the Minds, January 13, 8:00pm December 14, 2015 Military Outreach for Service5
Conclusion O Thank you to all that have come to join, participate and share in this conference. O It was designed with tools to enhance and further careers. O We hope you find it to be informative and fun December 14, 2015 Military Outreach for Service6
Bio’s of Presenters Military Outreach for Service December 14, Tina Smith Nicole Salazar
Resiliency Presenter: Tina Smith O Operations manager for Ogden Collection Operations December14, 2015 Military Outreach for Service8
Navigating through IRS Job Opportunities Presenter: Nicole Salazar O Manager in Ogden Submission Processing, Document Perfection Operation December 14, 2015 Military Outreach for Service9
Closing Please take our Poll THANK YOU FOR COMING. December Military Outreach for Service10