Oztal Alps between Austria and Italy
The Iceman was given the named Ötzi since he was discovered in the Oztal Alps between Austria and Italy.
The most amazing discovery was when a copper ax was found near the Iceman’s body. It was believed that the copper age began about 4000 years ago. This discovery shows copper at 5000 years ago. Ötzi carried with him a twin cutting edged dagger. This tells us he was not only a skilled craftsman but also knew what materials to use. He probably used this to skin animals, clean hides, and strip meat.
The Iceman was found nude. However, he had with him three layers of finally stitched clothing. A bear hat, grass cloak, and leather around his shoes were all amazing items found near Ötzi. This is the most concrete evidence we have from that time period about clothing.
Scientists believed that these markings were tattoos. They feel they made the markings as an early form of acupuncture. It was believed that acupuncture began 2000 years ago. If they are correct, then acupuncture began much earlier than previously thought. The quiver contained unusable arrows. He had only two arrows with heads but even these arrows were broken. There was a total of 14 arrows. He was also working on making a bow.
Artists Rendition of Ötzi
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