Mr. Brown’s 8 th grade Science All Encompassing, Most Magnificent, Totally Awesome, Completely Wonderful Student Responsibilities “Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there, doing what you are supposed to be doing.” Let’s break it down… “Be where you are supposed to be” Be in your assigned classroom or activity area “When you are supposed to be there” Be on time for each class and school activity “Doing what you are supposed to be doing” Be on task at all times. Be respectful of yourself and others. Take care of all property, not just yours. Behave in an appropriate manner that is considerate, respectful, and responsible. Promote safety in everything you do. Follow all lab safety rules. Follow all district and school rules. When you show good personal responsibility, we can have: A positive and safe learning environment Positive phone calls or notes home Special privileges, (homework passes, free time, bonus points at my discretion) Other way cool and fun stuff that I can think of! If you are irresponsible, you’ll get one or more of these: Warning Detention (Recess and/or Lunch) Parent phone call / Parent conference Before and/or after school detention Office referral Grading Tests and Projects – 40% In addition to regular tests, at the end of the first, second, and third quarters, students will take a benchmark assessment. Classwork / Homework - 20% Includes work done in class such as worksheets, notebook maintenance, foldables and daily openers Labs and Quizzes - 30% Quizzes will be given periodically to assess student understanding of the course content. Research - 10% Students will be involved in various research and science writing activities throughout the year. Units of Study Force, Motion & Light Astronomy Geology Change over Time Students will need: 1 three ring binder 1-1½ ” or wider with lots of loose- leaf paper and 4 tab dividers Blue/black pens Pencils Colored pencils Graph Paper Composition Notebook ** All formal written assignments should be typed or completed in pen. Make Up Work You are responsible for all missed work. If your absence is excused, you will have 5 days to turn in missed work. If absence is unexcused, you will have 1 day to turn in missed work. Work turned in after the appropriate deadline will have points deducted. Welcome to Mr. Brown’s 8 th Grade Science
Curriculum We will be using the district adopted textbook, by Glencoe. We will also use labs produced by the 8 th grade science team, along with labs from NASA, NOAA, and COAST team. These labs will be used to teach the South Carolina Science standards while introducing the students to current scientific research. *Students will be learning in cooperative groups for most learning activities (important for career training.) However, grades are given on an individual basis. Parent Volunteers Parents, please consider sharing your expertise with us. There will be opportunities for career speakers throughout the year. Feel free to contact me or Ms. Stephanie Hudson, our 8 th grade guidance counselor, if you would like to come talk to my class. Student information Parents, please fill out and sign the attached student information form from homeroom and have your son or daughter return it as soon as possible. About your teacher… I am very excited about this school year and to get back into the classroom to share my love of earth science with my students. I have a BS in Accounting from Miami of Ohio, a M Ed. in Elementary Education from Auburn University, and Principal Credentials from the Citadel. This is my eighth year teaching 8 th grade science at Westview Middle School. Overall, I have been in Berkeley County for 13 years and this is my 23rd year as a teacher. This year, I will be challenging the students to work at a higher level, and I will stress personal responsibility with both class work and interactions with other students and teachers. Please feel free to contact me at school ( ) during my planning period (9:15- 10:30, except Thursdays). You can also anytime at “I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested. Bazinga!.” - Dr. Sheldon Cooper