On Target? On your Educational map, add your future education plans. What do you want to be when you grow up? Where do you want to work? Do you want to go to college/vocational school/apprenticeship/career? Be as detailed as possible!
Plan for today 1.Quick review of class procedures 2.Objectives 3.Lab safety 4.Ms. Gronenthal Quiz
Food and drink policy Last bite in mouth when bell rings WATER only Other drinks same policy as food CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!
Bathroom/drinks Not in first or last 10 minutes of class (school policy) Most of you will make good choices about how often/long you are out of class If you are struggling with making a good choice, we will have issues, possibly resulting in removal of bathroom privilege.
Syllabus highlights Need a composition book Late/make up work policy NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED! (turn in at end of class or at the start of next day) If you are absent, I will check in with you during work time Notes and details of what we did will come from your peers
Objectives Content: I can explain the importance of following safety procedures during labs. Language: I can draw a cartoon showing the result of lab safety not being followed
Stretch break! Around the room, you have one minute to walk around calmly and find... 1.Fire Extinguisher 2.Fire Blanket 3.First Aid kit 4.Broken glass container 5.Fire escape 6.3 garbage cans 7.Fire alarm pull 8.Eye wash and safety shower
Lab safety highlights If we are wearing goggles, they need to be on the whole time If there is an accident-you need to let me know! Make smart decisions
When the question comes up, raise your hand QUIETLY with the number corresponding to the answer you think is correct. Popsicle sticks will be drawn for students to give a reason for their choice.
Ms. Gronenthal grew up in Montana 2.Washington 3. Oregon 4. Idaho
Ms. Gronenthal went to high school at Hazen 2.Kentridge 3. Lindbergh 4. Liberty
Class of 2010!
Ms. Gronenthal went to school at Seattle Pacific University 2. Western Washington University 3. University of Washington 4. Seattle University
Seattle Pacific University-GO FALCONS!
At Seattle Pacific University, Ms. Gronenthal studied Biology 2. Chemistry 3. Physics 4. Ecology
Biology! (and deer poop…)
Ms. Gronenthal’s favorite Seattle sports team is Mariners 2. Seahawks 3. Sounders 4. Sonics
This summer, Ms. Gronenthal did which of the following things? 1. Ran a 5k 2. Got her nose pierced 3. Got engaged 4. Held a crab
Ms. Gronenthal loves students who.. 1. Have a desire to make a difference in the world 2. Work hard 3. Respect themselves and others 4. All the above
Exit Slip: let me learn more about you! On your Notecard: Put your name on the front (BIG) Answer on the back 1.What do you like to do for fun? 2.What clubs/sports do you plan to be a part of this year? 3.What is one thing you’re excited about for this year? 4.What is one concern that you have about this year? Is there a way Ms. G can help?
Materials (need by Tuesday) REQUIRED Composition notebook Pencil Optional but recommended 3 ring binder to put warm-ups (you may put a reminder in your phone at this time)
HOMEWORK-LAB SAFETY CONTRACT and PARENT CONSENT FORM (BIO)! 1)PRINT your name at the top 2)Take home 3)Sign and have parent/guardian sign 4)Sign both sides if you have contacts 5)DUE BY TUESDAY
Lab safety cartoon assignment 1)Pick one of the safety rules 2)Draw a cartoon of what might happen if that rule weren’t followed during a lab 3)Put your name on the back 4)These will be my room decorations and I am sure they will be BEAUTIFUL!
Work Time RESPECT Stay seated for a calm work environment Cell phones may be used as a resource with permission RESPONSIBILTY “Ask 3 then me” Any talking is quiet and on-task EFFORT Attempt all work even if you aren’t confident If you finish early, do something productive KINDNESS Courtesy to all classmates Small voices for on task talking HONESTY Record your own original thinking and learning.
Materials (need by Tuesday) REQUIRED Composition notebook Pencil Optional but recommended 3 ring binder to put warm-ups (you may put a reminder in your phone at this time)
EXIT PROCEDURE Make sure your name is on the back of your paper Turn it in to the black basket on the blue table by the door OR turn in on Tuesday! REMINDER: REQUIRED Materials (need by Tuesday): Composition notebook Pencil DUE TUESDAY: Lab safety contracts Lab safety cartoons (if not completed today)