Fairforest Elementary School 2 nd – 5 th Grade Week 1
What are the Nine Core Values? Honesty Integrity Sportsmanship Respect Confidence Responsibility Perseverance Courtesy Judgment
Lesson 1 - Nine Core Values Respect WEAR PROPER ATTIRE Behavior: Players respond that it shows respect when you wear proper attire to physical education class Respect is shown by following rules and honoring game traditions. Another “game tradition” and a way to show respect is wearing the proper attire while at the golf course. Many golf courses require collared shirts and slacks. Many golf courses do not allow Jeans and T Shirts.
Lesson 1 – Nine Core Values Courtesy REMAIN STILL AND QUIET Behavior: Caddies remain still and quiet while others are taking their turn in golf. Courtesy is demonstrated through considerate behaviors towards others. During the golf activities when players are preparing or in the act of swinging or putting, it is courteous to remain still and quiet.
What are the Nine Healthy Habits? Safety Play Energy Family School Mind Friends Vision Community
Lesson 1 – Nine Healthy Habits Safety Start Slow – Finish Safe Behavior: Players respond with an example of technique and exercise for warming-up to reduce their chance of injury. Safety Is not just about using appropriate equipment during an activity; it is about injury prevention so you can be at your best while you play. A proper warm up and cool down routine will generate the necessary blood flow in the muscles for optimal performance. Similarly, it is important to understand your own physical limitations during an activity to avoid unnecessary strain on muscles.
Lesson 1 – Nine Healthy Habits Play Get Fit! How do we get fit FES? Behavior: Players respond with an example of how they can get fit by working their muscles. Play involves keeping your body ready for activity. Being ready for physical activity includes setting aside time during practice to “Get Fit.” “Getting Fit” begins with knowing how to build strength in big muscles: arms, shoulders, legs, stomach and back.
Player Safety STOP LOOK LISTEN For the COACHES SIGNAL! Do not swing until you hear the coach tell you when to swing.
Your Golf Area You need to be aware of your surroundings before you swing a golf club. A B C Steps to Safety A – Players check around ALL sides; B – BROADCAST - Player tells his or her caddy that she is ready to swing; C – The CADDY checks the player’s space and calls out “Clear” and gives two thumbs up when it is safe to swing.
Player Safety Treat others the way you wanted to be treated: Show good sportsmanship. Play fair and follow the rules. Be honest and cooperate with the people in your group. Respect and use all equipment only as instructed. Stay within YOUR assigned boundary. ALWAYS remember SAFETY: Wear appropriate clothing and shoes MOVE UNDER CONTROL WATCH for others in your area, listen, be “HEADS UP!”
Consequences What happens if we do not follow the rules and safety procedures we just talked about? 1. Talk with Coach Dobson/Wyatt about what you did wrong and make sure you will not do it again 2. Time-Out Period 3. Time-Out for the Remainder of class AND a parent Note Home or Phone Call 4. Visit with the Principal and Parent Contact