WELCOME TO MS. BEAM'S CLASS Earth Science & Advanced Earth Science
WELCOME TO EARTH SCIENCE! Before the bell rings... Find a seat and get out a sheet of paper On your paper, write: Your Name Three Facts about you YOUR NAME 1. Fact 2. Fact 3. Fact About Me 8/1/16
GET OUT YOUR HANDBOOKSHANDBOOKS Discipline Applies everywhere (school, school functions, bus, bus stops, etc.) Nothing Illegal Behavior Expectations We are here to support you Consequence will match the crime HJMS Discipline Boards Open communication (parents/guardians & school) HJMS is not a persistently dangerous school Principal Bigham is the authority Don't forget to sign up for clubs!
DISCIPLINE BOARD First Offense = Warning Second Offense = Teacher calls home Third Offense = You will be sent into isolation in another teacher's room & Silent lunch Fourth Offense = Principal calls home Each student has a discipline board in every class. It is up to you to keep it clean!
SYLLABUS How do I contact Ms. Beam? What will we learn in this class? What are my expectations? Parent/Guardian signature required!
TEAM 601 BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS 1. Be on time for school & class 2. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise 3. Bring all materials needed for class daily 4. Raise your hand to speak 5. Respect everyone in the classroom 6. No food or drink, except water, in the classroom Why are these rules important?
CLASS RULES 1. Listen to directions 2. Enter and exit prepared 3. Always try your best 4. Respect yourself and others 5. No excuses! Why are these rules important?
IMPORTANT WEBSITES For science: Schoolrack.com/abeam Canvas (we will talk more about this later) Remind 101 is for Parents ONLY! Code to 81010
CLASS PROCEDURES First Five Minutes of Class Read the board for directions Sharpen your pencil If you need to borrow a pencil, take one from the water canister Do your warm-up Be in your seat before the bell rings!
CLASS PROCEDURES During Class Do not get out of your seat unless told to do so Complete work session Individual Group When is it okay to talk? Raise your hand Countdown (should be quiet by the time I get to 1)
CLASS PROCEDURES Last Five Minutes of Class Complete your closer Return borrowed pencil to the water canister Do not bottleneck at the door!
DAILY WORK Opener Will be on the board when you walk in Work Session Closer
ADVANCED EARTH SCIENCE – 5TH PERIOD Expect to be challenged Will have more work, but exciting and interesting Higher expectations Announcement: Mastering the Scientific Method "Steps 1- 4" Homework due Friday!
INDIVIDUAL VS. GROUP WORK Individual No talking unless specified Group Inside volume Cooperation Station switching
LAB SAFETY Safety Contract Parent & Student signature required Follow all safety rules!
INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK & HANDOUTS Composition Book & Binder = Interactive Notebook Write name on cover/inside cover Write date and assignment name on each new page Notebook Checks Handout Write Period Name Date Assignment name (if on lined paper)
BATHROOM/LOCKER PASS 10 trips per semester After 10 trips, you receive a silent lunch for each trip you need to take during class For each trip (blank box) left at the end of the semester, you will receive 5 bonus points to an assignment from a class of your choosing If pass is lost, you receive one replacement pass from HR teacher You will lose five trips off new pass
LUNCH – 2ND PERIOD Line up quietly Wait for my direction Lunch is for eating, not playing When we get back to class, we still have class time. Be ready to learn!
PAPERS & MAKE UP WORK Turn papers into the tray with your period specified above it Absent? You're responsibe to makeup work in three days time HJMS = Zero Late Work Policy If you decide to not complete classwork or homework, there is no second chance Homework Assigned on Mondays, due on Fridays Classwork Everyday
FIRE/TORNADO/LOCKDOWN Fire Drill Line up quietly and calmly Follow my direction Go to science parking lot, back right corner Tornado Drill Same rules apply Go to boy's restroom in cafeteria Lockdown Must be silent! Follow my lead & direction
DISMISSAL – 6TH PERIOD The bell does not mean you can leave Help out our janitors! Pick up trash around your area, throw away on your way out of the classroom Place chair upside down on your desk
REWARDS Nice phone call home Teams 601 & 602 have some ideas in the works