ATTITUDE Thinking about what I think about….
It is “advance man” of our true selves. Its roots are inward but its fruit is outward. It is our best friend or your worst enemy. It is more honest & consistent than our words. It is an outward look based on past experiences. It is a thing which draws people to us or repels them. It is Librarian of our past. It is the speaker of our present. It is the prophet of our future. What is attitude?
Why is Attitude important? It determines our approach on Life. It Determine our relationship with people It determines the difference between success and failure.
Paradigms It is a way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference, or belief. May not always be right and can create limitations.
Why is attitude important? Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a Destiny
Why is attitude important? Your mental attitude is something you can control outright and you must use self discipline until you create a positive mental attitude – your mental attitude attracts to you everything that makes you what you are. –Napoleon Hill
Today is the most important day of my life. Yesterday, with its successes and victories, struggles and failures, are gone forever. The past is the past. Done. Finished. I cannot relive it. I cannot go back and change it. But I will learn from it and improve my Today. Today This moment. Now. It is a gift to me and it is all that I have. Tomorrow with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and troubles isn’t here yet. Indeed, tomorrow may never come. Therefore I will not worry about tomorrow.
Today is what is entrusted to me. It is all that I have. I will do my best in it- my character, giftedness, and abilities- to my family and friends, clients and associates. I will identify those things that are important to do today, and those things I will do until they are done. And when the day is done I will look back with satisfaction at that which I have accomplished. Then and only then, will I plan my tomorrow….. Looking to improve upon Today. copyright 2007 david alfaro
Time the most precious commodity To know the value of one year …ask the student who failed a final exam To know the value of one month …ask the mother of a premature baby. To know the value of one week …ask the editor of a weekly newsmagazine. To know the value of one day …ask the wage earner who has six children. To know the value of one hour …ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To know the value of one minute …ask the person who missed the plane. To know the value of one second …ask the person who survived the accident. To know the value of one millisecond…ask the Olympic silver medalist.