#4 Word Groups This example uses LA 1 words.
1. abstruse (ab STRUSE) Definition: difficult to understand, recondite, concealed 2. archaic (are KAY ik) Definition: antiquated, old, out of use 3. assuage (uh SWAYJ) Definition: to ease, to mitigate, to make less painful or burdensome, to calm 4. contentious (kun TEN shus) Definition: quarrelsome, stirring controversy 5. depravity (deh PRAV eh tee) Definition: moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act 6. disdain (dis DANE) Definition: intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy 7. dormant (DOR munt) Definition: inactive, sleeping 8. enigmatic (en ig MAT ik) Definition: mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling 9. furtive (FUR tiv) Definition: secret in an underhanded way, stealthy 10. fuse (FYOOZ) Definition: to mix or to join (usually by melting) 11. insipid (in SIP id) Definition: boring and stupid 12. loathe (LOETH) Definition: to detest 13. mitigate (MIT uh gate) Definition: to cause to become less harsh or hostile; to make less severe 14. nullify (NUL eh fie) Definition: to cause not to be in effect, to negate 15. obscure (ub SKYOOR) Definition: difficult to see, vague 16. recant (reh KANT) Definition: to withdraw or to repudiate a statement or belief, revoke 17. reprove (reh PROOV) Definition: to scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent 18. slothful (SLOTH ful) Definition: lazy, indolent 19. taciturn (TAS eh turn) Definition: quiet, not verbose 20. vilify (VIL eh fie) Definition: to malign, to defame, to utter abusive statements against
Kinds of People or Things NOUNS – something or someone A person, a place, or a thing People or Things Are ADJECTIVES – description Describe a person, a place, or a thing People or Things DO VERBS – action What a person, a place, or a thing DOES
The easiest one to start with… Those are the verbs. Look at the word list and definitions. Find the definitions that BEGIN with the word “to.” Those are the verbs. People or Things DO
1. abstruse (ab STRUSE) Definition: difficult to understand, recondite, concealed 2. archaic (are KAY ik) Definition: antiquated, old, out of use 3. assuage (uh SWAYJ) Definition: to ease, to mitigate, to make less painful or burdensome, to calm 4. contentious (kun TEN shus) Definition: quarrelsome, stirring controversy 5. depravity (deh PRAV eh tee) Definition: moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act 6. disdain (dis DANE) Definition: intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy 7. dormant (DOR munt) Definition: inactive, sleeping 8. enigmatic (en ig MAT ik) Definition: mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling 9. furtive (FUR tiv) Definition: secret in an underhanded way, stealthy 10. fuse (FYOOZ) Definition: to mix or to join (usually by melting) 11. insipid (in SIP id) Definition: boring and stupid 12. loathe (LOETH) Definition: to detest 13. mitigate (MIT uh gate) Definition: to cause to become less harsh or hostile; to make less severe 14. nullify (NUL eh fie) Definition: to cause not to be in effect, to negate 15. obscure (ub SKYOOR) Definition: difficult to see, vague 16. recant (reh KANT) Definition: to withdraw or to repudiate a statement or belief, revoke 17. reprove (reh PROOV) Definition: to scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent 18. slothful (SLOTH ful) Definition: lazy, indolent 19. taciturn (TAS eh turn) Definition: quiet, not verbose 20. vilify (VIL eh fie) Definition: to malign, to defame, to utter abusive statements against
Now that you found the verbs: People DoThings Do Assuage Disdain Fuse Loathe Mitigate Nullify Recant Reprove Nullify Assuage Fuse Mitigate The next step is to read the definitions and decide “Do People do this? Or Do things do this?” LA 1 Verbs: Assuage, disdain, fuse, loathe, mitigate, nullify, recant, reprove, vilify
The next word group that is: Kinds of People or Things Those are the nouns. Look at the word list and definitions. Find the definitions that would make sense if you added a, an, the, his or her in front of it.
1. abstruse (ab STRUSE) Definition: difficult to understand, recondite, concealed Her difficult to understand NOT A NOUN 2. archaic (are KAY ik) Definition: antiquated, old, out of use Her old. Nope. 3. assuage (uh SWAYJ) Definition: to ease, to mitigate, to make less painful or burdensome, to calm 4. contentious (kun TEN shus) Definition: quarrelsome, stirring controversy Her contentious. Nope. 5. depravity (deh PRAV eh tee) Definition: moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act Her depravity. YES. Here is a noun. Depravity is a something. 6. disdain (dis DANE) Definition: intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy Her intense dislike. Yes again. Here is another noun. 7. dormant (DOR munt) Definition: inactive, sleeping Her inactive. Nope. 8. enigmatic (en ig MAT ik) Definition: mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling Her inactive. Nope. 9. furtive (FUR tiv) Definition: secret in an underhanded way, stealthy Her furtive. Nope. 10. fuse (FYOOZ) Definition: to mix or to join (usually by melting) 11. insipid (in SIP id) Definition: boring and stupid Her boring. Nope. 12. loathe (LOETH) Definition: to detest 13. mitigate (MIT uh gate) Definition: to cause to become less harsh or hostile; to make less severe 14. nullify (NUL eh fie) Definition: to cause not to be in effect, to negate 15. obscure (ub SKYOOR) Definition: difficult to see, vague Her difficult to see. Nope. 16. recant (reh KANT) Definition: to withdraw or to repudiate a statement or belief, revoke 17. reprove (reh PROOV) Definition: to scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent 18. slothful (SLOTH ful) Definition: lazy, indolent Her lazy. Nope. 19. taciturn (TAS eh turn) Definition: quiet, not verbose Her quiet. Nope. 20. vilify (VIL eh fie) Definition: to malign, to defame, to utter abusive statements against
Now that you found the nouns: The next step is to read the definitions and decide “Is this a kind of people or a kind of thing?” LA 1 Nouns: disdain and depravity Kinds of peopleKinds of things Disdain Depravity
The last step is to copy the leftover words. Those are the adjectives. The last word group: People are / Things are
1. abstruse (ab STRUSE) Definition: difficult to understand, recondite, concealed 2. archaic (are KAY ik) Definition: antiquated, old, out of use 3. assuage (uh SWAYJ) Definition: to ease, to mitigate, to make less painful or burdensome, to calm 4. contentious (kun TEN shus) Definition: quarrelsome, stirring controversy 5. depravity (deh PRAV eh tee) Definition: moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act 6. disdain (dis DANE) Definition: intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy 7. dormant (DOR munt) Definition: inactive, sleeping 8. enigmatic (en ig MAT ik) Definition: mysterious, inexplicable, puzzling 9. furtive (FUR tiv) Definition: secret in an underhanded way, stealthy 10. fuse (FYOOZ) Definition: to mix or to join (usually by melting) 11. insipid (in SIP id) Definition: boring and stupid 12. loathe (LOETH) Definition: to detest 13. mitigate (MIT uh gate) Definition: to cause to become less harsh or hostile; to make less severe 14. nullify (NUL eh fie) Definition: to cause not to be in effect, to negate 15. obscure (ub SKYOOR) Definition: difficult to see, vague 16. recant (reh KANT) Definition: to withdraw or to repudiate a statement or belief, revoke 17. reprove (reh PROOV) Definition: to scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent 18. slothful (SLOTH ful) Definition: lazy, indolent 19. taciturn (TAS eh turn) Definition: quiet, not verbose 20. vilify (VIL eh fie) Definition: to malign, to defame, to utter abusive statements against
Now that you found the adjectives: The next step is to read the definitions and decide “Is this describing a person or a thing?” LA 1 Adjectives: abstruse, archaic, contentious, dormant, enigmatic, furtive, insipid, obscure, slothful, taciturn People areThings are Abstruse Contentious Dormant Enigmatic Furtive Insipid Obscure Slothful Taciturn Abstruse Archaic Enigmatic Insipid Obscure Slothful