Thornhill School News Issue 28 CLASS3CLASS3 CLASS ONE CLASS TWO SCHOOLSCHOOL Coming up!This Week th May. tea with pensioners group (31 st May) Sports Day- 15 th June Curriculum Meeting- 25 th June. Open Day- 26 th June. School Trip – Beamish/ Windermere- 29th June Next Week th May Friday 18 th May. Mon- Governor’s meeting 6pm Tues- Energy Experience KS1 Netball club Wed- Dance Club/ Print and paint Thurs- Recorder Club Fri- Youth Club- Tie and dye Parental Feedback Thank you to the 16 parents who returned parental feedback forms for the summer. Your comments are greatly appreciated. It is fantastic that parents are overwhelmingly happy with their child’s progress and the welcoming school environment. A few parents did not know about our complaints procedure, please check our website or ask for a copy of the policy if you are unsure. Attendance last week- 96.2% No lates!!!! Excellent- Thank you Tues- Mrs Figes out (all day) Netball club Wed- Mobile Library visit Football match – KS2 Dance Club/ Print and Paint Thurs- Recorder club Fri- Football match- KS2 Youth Club Please feel sorry for Years 5 and 6, they have had a week of tests. They have been tested in reading comprehension, writing skills, handwriting, spelling, mental maths and maths problem solving. They have worked really hard and done of their best. We with them good luck and hope they achieve their targets. This week has been another busy week! We now know all about the changes Florence Nightingale made to the hospital at Scutari. We thought of some really good words to describe the improved conditions. As an introduction to rhyming texts, Miss Bramley shared the story of The Gruffalo with us. We think it’s a really good story! Our Greek legends were a great success last week thank you to those of you who took the time to do the “Talk for Writing” homework it makes such a difference to the finished work. This week we have been researching Greek Gods and Goddesses, Heroes and Heroines, and mythical creatures. We will collect these together and make them into a dictionary of Greek characters.
Jubilee Celebrations On Friday 1 st June we are holding a Jubilee Party for the children. The children can come to school dressed up as Royalty. We will have a buffet lunch (sandwich/sausage roll/salad/cake/jelly & ice cream) at 12pm provided by the kitchen followed by party games and then an assembly where the children will receive a Jubilee Commemorative Coin which have been donated by the Friends of School. We would like all children who bring a packed lunch to join us if possible at a cost of £2. Please book this with Mrs Toman by Monday 21 st May. School Residential visit – November 2012 Please remember that you need to let school know if you are intending to send your child on our residential trip to Bassenthwaite Manor, by 1 st June. A £20 deposit is required on 1 st June to secure your child’s place. If you need more information please speak to Mrs Toman or Mrs Figes, there are several options available for payment. Summer school trips This Year the whole school are going on their summer trip on the same day: Friday 29 th June. Class 1 is going boating on Windermere and Classes 2 and 3 are going to Beamish, Victorian museum. Please remember that costs for these visits need to be paid in advance to Mrs Toman by Monday 11 th June. Head lice Our Head lice problem still refuses to go away. Please do your bit by checking your child regularly and acting immediately if you see live lice or eggs. Advice is available from chemists as to the best remedies, but wet combing with conditioner can also be effective. Please remember lice don’t care whose hair they live in, and the problem can easily be passed around all family members. It is important to clean towels and bedding after an outbreak in the family home.