The Ymittos Legend
Our place of interest: MOUNT YMITTOS Sacred and famous from ancient times: a number of myths featuring ancient Greek gods, goddesses, heroes, Nymphs etc. taking place on Ymittos, illustrating a place of worship, fertility, sexuality, mystery Focusing on more contemporary legends (children linking to normal people instead of ancient mythological figures)
Resources: Books, Internet, Board Members, elder inhabitants /children’s parents and grandparents i.full of healing herbs – visitors from various places of Greece, as well as other countries, from ancient times until early 20 th century to find herbs which ‘are said to heal any illness’ ii.full of natural water springs that ‘are said to have healing water’, especially supporting women who cannot have children iii.Mysterious sounds, phenomena (strong winds, lights etc), mysterious creatures have been reported through the years on Ymittos (nymphs/fairies, strange animals, secret caves)
Working on the legend of Ymittos PHASE ONE: Working around the meaning of the word ‘legend’ and gathering information about Ymittos, its history, natural science with older pupils PHASE TWO: Engaging all classes in the creative process – group brainstorming, creating improvisations and theatre presentations of fictional stories taking place on the mountain, choosing our heroes (part of Drama Class) PHASE THREE: Working with E2 class; writing our story based on research and discussion, self-casting, small group rehearsing, using simple objects in an abstract and symbolic way (masks, hat, fabrics, tree leaves, etc. - e.g. children in roles of trees that trap our hero), singing ‘Ekee psila ston Ymitto’ by M. Hadjidakis, playing our legend!
Time for a short video…