Medical Reserve Corp 2011 Annual Conference & Training Saturday, June 4, :00am-5:00pm The mission of the MRC is to engage volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response and community resiliency. Mirine Dye, Florida Keys MRC Coordinator with Keith Harris, AHEC.
Disaster Planning Simulation We have been called to serve! Reviewing the IAP, our instructions/assignments for deployment to the disaster. Our disaster: a Category 5 hurricane. We are arriving 2 days after it strikes.
Supervisor Denny (triage) is assigned a fabulous team of 5 medical volunteers on the Southside to triage human casualties. Unfortunately, north side is blocked by debris and 2 volunteers are sent to assist at the north end. Down to 3 volunteers-Cassidy, Steven, and Karen, we manage to triage 100’s of patients. Only 1 black tag who miraculous came back and survived! Hospital is full! No beds available! Oh no, now what?
Learning from our mistakes & getting new orders to carry out. HALT! Good Job! Improvement needed! Chain of Command- OP, Med Director, Supervisors
(Left to right) Capt. Marti Brown, RN, MSN, Mirine Dye, MPH, FK MRC Coordinator, Ms. Lori Denny, RN, BSN, MHS Health Careers Club Coordinator, Cassidy VanVoorst, MHS Health Careers Club President, Steven Nelson, MHS Health Careers Club Vice President.
Thanks for providing this fabulous training opportunity and inviting the MHS “Health Career Club” students (the future generation healthcare providers & responders)! Thank you. -MHS Health Career Club students & Ms. Denny Cassidy VanVoorst, President MHS HCC Steven Nelson, Vice President MHS HCC