Main topic (modelling emotion using EEG) Subtopic (Describe the main functions of the brain using EEG) - Introduction - Problem statement - Significance of study - Research questions or hypothesis - Research objectives - Problem tree
The way of the emotion for the job of the animal brain is called emotion brain. The way of representing the motive for events from person. Is knowing as the practice of the relation between the human and anything ( in any period of time ). Based on the characters and volatile of persons, in addition the case of which people were taking reflects. The mechanism of the emotion for the body is related with the sense of the body, for example when the person is anger then he will do many response like grin of teeth, jaw movement, increasing of the blood pressure …..etc. Most people got mixed emotions when they became stress like: joy, fear, anger, and surprise.
EEG shortly can be defined as the way of measuring the human brain functions using special signals which is called neuron.it is also used to fix the serious mental tasks which performed by the brain of the subject. Thus, the presence of any changes signal may indicate a change in conditions or internal physiological state of a person. EEG measures the electrical potential through more electrodes located at specific points on the surface of the head of the subject. The number of electrodes, depending on the model encephalograph can be from 8 to 64. If the subject is alive, electric brain`s activity is always present. Besides. Muscle activity and eye blinking, signal is distributed at frequencies of 0.5 Hz to 40 Hz. This period is divided into frequency ranges, which are called rhythms. The term "rhythm" on the EEG implied a certain band of frequencies, corresponding to sponging to some part of the brain. A waking adult man has alpha, beta, gamma, delta, theta rhythm. The presence of each of the ranges depends on the conditions and state subject
The main tool for analyzing the frequency characters is the Fourier transformation of the signal. The spectral exponent of the signal is spectral entropy. All the energy of the ordered signal, such as sine, is concentrated in corresponding harmonics, indicating that low signal. On the other hand, the noisy signal comprises a wide range of frequencies, hence, possesses high entropy. However, the use of the spectrum General analysis to the study of EEG is very limited as VP areas are very unsteady. This lack can be partially solved using window Fourier transform. However, in a narrow frequency window the resolution will be too small, and at wide - time localization becomes inaccurate. This limitation becomes critical when the signal contains short-term changes of frequencies, such as the CAP. The main purpose of this work is to analysis the frequency structure of EEG turns after detection motivation using the discrete wavelet changing and the definition for the reaction time to external actions consequences, based on the application of wavelet entropy.
- There is many stages during human life characteristics emotions which contains: emotional reactivity, excitability, finical, emotional stability, general emotional tone, strength of emotional reactions and their external manifestation. - These properties are largely due to the type of higher nervous activity of the individual. - However, in the process of socialization, its emotional characteristics undergo significant changes, receive social facet. A man learns to restrain the immediate emotional displays resorting to their disguise, and simulation generates emotional stability, tolerance - the ability to endure hardship. People Capabilities are not like each other, the types of capabilities depends on the emotions for each person.using EEG. - This work demonstrated that the chipboard is an effective tool for the analysis of EEG. The results may be useful in diagnosis of neurological diseases, where there re necessary accurate estimations of the response time to the stimulus and the nature of EEG after the stimulus.
Emotions are conditions associated with the assessment of the significance of individual factors acting on it. They are expressed primarily in the form of immediate experiences of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with its current needs. The main feature of human emotions is that the socio- historical practice produced a special emotional language that can be passed as a common description. On this basis, there is, in particular, the emotional response to the works of art that are tough enough to bind to a particular historical era.
emotional tone sensations serve as a basic form of emotion and are genetically determined hedonic experiences signs accompanying the vital experience, for example, taste, temperature, pain ; the actual emotions are expressed by the relationship with the local situation, which was formed in vivo. Their appearance may occur without actual action situation of their education, then they are the landmarks of activity ; emotional tone sensations serve as a basic form of emotion and are genetically determined hedonic experiences signs accompanying the vital experience, for example, taste, temperature, pain ; the actual emotions are expressed by the relationship with the local situation, which was formed in vivo. Their appearance may occur without actual action situation of their education, then they are the landmarks of activity ;
Initial data for the research in this paper were obtained on a dedicated website. EEG data contained ten healthy recorded using electroencephalograph system BCI2000, which contains an electrode 64. For each of the tests two EEG signal were recorded: background EEG (the subject is sitting in a comfortable chair with eyes open, relaxed ) and EEG of the subject performing the task on attention. In the second case, the person sitting in a comfortable chair in front of him is a screen with a frequency of 8 seconds; handles appear on the right or left side. The signal is recorded with a maximum frequency of 160 Hz. The duration of each EEG recording is 4 minutes
To investigate the frequency structure of the EEG multi-level wavelet decomposition of the original signals was produced. The number of decomposition levels was chosen according to the basic rhythms of the brain studied: Hz (gamma rhythm), Hz (beta rhythm), Hz (al-F-rhythm), 5-10 Hz (theta rhythm), Hz (delta-rhythm). Wavelet spectrum does not repeat exactly the frequency rhythms of human rights, since according to the algorithm fiberboard at subsequent levels can be obtained only in the frequency ranges which are two times shorter than the previous level.
CONCLUSION Thank you for your attention Any inquirers please