Spatial and temporal distribution of populations Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER BES LTER 202 point survey Surveys Experiments Signature long-term datasets Trees (every 5 years) Birds (every year Soil Fauna Mosquitoes* Herbaceous plants* Stream algae and bacteria* Stream macroinvertebrates (available through Maryland Dept of Environment) *Added in BES III
Recent Key Findings: Spatial and temporal distribution of populations BES LTER BES LTER Mosquito and predator abundance in stormwater detention basins in forested (rural) and urban locations. Experimental diversity manipulation in vacant lots (C. Swan) Mosquito populations (S. LaDeau)
Syntheses ideas - Spatial and temporal distribution of populations BES LTER Investigating the complexity interactions among multiple drivers of population change across LTER sites. – In an urban ecosystems we have both ecological and human interactions (e.g. planting, climate, pollution, migration, management, and neglect) interacting to influence the spatial and temporal distributions of populations – Across LTER sites, can we investigate various interacting drivers of population change to examine the relative magnitude of different drivers influencing long-term change (e.g. is climate an over-riding factor)? – Does heterogeneity in social structure and capacity of human populations (e.g. property values, crime, perception of the environment) across the range of LTER sites influence the complexity of interactions driving long-term change? – What are legacies of previous/present habitat states on the spatial distribution of populations today (all LTER sites have a past different from today)? BES LTER