Planned Cities on the Indus
Ancient India 2500 – 1500B.C.E.
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Geography of India Subcontinent - a large, relatively self- contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh = Indian subcontinent.
Rivers, Mountains, Plains Himalayan Mtns to the north protect it from invasion. Indus & Ganges (gan-jeez) River = Indian version of Tigris & Euphrates. Farming is possible only in the areas directly watered by the Indus.
Monsoons Seasonal Winds aka Monsoons dominated the climate. Causes massive flooding. If summer monsoons don’t happen, leads to major crop failure. Monsoons Brings rain! Rivers were also unpredictable.
Modern India Monsoon
Civilization Emerges on the Indus Historians can’t Decipher system of writing! Where did people come from? Goat fossil found dating to 7000B.C.E. Evidence of farming in 3200 B.C.E.
Planned Cities First cities built while Egyptians were building their pyramids. Built earthen walls to keep out water. Also made islands to raise cities above floodwaters. 3 largest cities - Kalibangan, Mohenjo- Daro, and Harappa Indus Valley Civ. = Harrapan Civilization Many discovered made at Harappa.
Ruins of Mohenjo-Daro
Achievements Sophisticated city planning using a grid system. Citadel – a fortified area of a city. Use of oven-baked bricks = stronger Plumbing and sewage system
Harappan Planning Harappa was a good example of city planning in Ancient India.
Harappan Culture Language – written language As of today, Impossible to decipher. Culture Uniformity in religion, little warfare, prosperous society. Glorified animals. Possibly a theocracy? No found temple. Trade – thriving regional trade Gold and silver from Afghanistan Major access due to the Indus River
Indus River
Indus Valley Culture Ends Around 1750B.C.E cities decayed Earthquake doom River shifted making trade impossible Many cities died out. Possible that Soil was overused and no river access = low food production. Aryans Invade
The Aryans Crossed over into Indus Valley around 1500 B.C.E. Barely any archaeological record
Vedas Sacred hymns and prayers for performing rituals The Rig Veda is a collection of 1028 hymns passed down orally from elder to elder!
Sanskrit - Aryan language
Caste System People divided into social groups People were born into their caste for life! Brahman- priestly class Kshatriyas- Rulers and warriors Vaishyas- landowners, merchants, and artisans Shudras- servants or slaves Untouchables- outcastes